Page 417 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 417


         tho chief Sheikh, was brought back to Mask at. Tho murderer was subse­
         quently executed, on Gth May, hut apparently on further inquiry the Sheikh
         was found not to be implicated personally and was released. A punitive fine
         was however levied in cash.
             <t. Later in the year an unfortunate incident was reported from Nezwa. Nozwa*
         Saiyid Seif bin TIamed tho Mali of this important town, who is by birth an
         Al-flu-Saccdi (i.c.t of tho same stock as tho ruling house) and having risen to
         his present position under tragic circumstances, now leads an insecure existence
         within the confines of the Nezwa fort, had reason to suspect a plot against his
         life among a party of Jeunebch tribesmen visiting the town and ordered his
         Negro guard to ofFeet their arrest. The guard proceeded to do so, but the
         Jeunebch shewing fight the Askarls used their rifles and killed four of them.
         A good deal of consternation was caused by this regrettable occurrence when the
         report, which lost nothing in the telling, readied Maskat, and it was feared that
         it might result in a general rising of the Jennebeh and an attack in force upon
         the Nezwa fort. Indeed, if matters had so turned out, there would have been
         small cause for wonder, but the Sultan lost no time in dispatching a deputation
         to the vicinity to pacify the Jennebeh, and fortunately with a successful result,
         no further bloodshed ensuing. This took place in October. Later on as soon
         as matters had subsided sufficiently to enable him to travel with any degree of
         safety, the Mali journeyed into Maskat to present his report personally to the
         Sultan, and has since returned to Nezwa.
             5. The affairs of tills appanage of the Oman Sultanate have been a good deal Gwadur.
         in evidence during the past year owing chiefly to the results of a change of
         Malis. There were, no doubt, * at the time of his transfer, a number of petty
         complaints against the late ineumbeut, and, as he had been there many years,
         the Sultan thought it expedient to give him a transfer. 11 is successor has how­
         ever shewn himself unfitted for such a responsible post audit is confidently hoped
         that now the Sultau realises that Gwadur affairs are not working as smoothly as
         they ought, lie will definitely decide to try a new man or reinstate his former
         representative, Saif bin Saecd, whose return seems to be generally desired by the
         public at Gwadur.
             It must not be overlooked that II is Highness is in a difficult position in
         such matters owing to the extreme paucity among his Arab subjects of officials
         upon whom sulficicnt reliance can be placed when they arc deputed to positions
         of authority away fiom head-quarters. For this reason he naturally hesitates to
         make changes in appointments until thoroughly convinced that no other remedy
         is left open to him.
             G. The Political Agent was absent from Maskat during the year under political
         report on four occasions, as follows:—                               Agont’a Tours
                 (a) On the Gth April 1002, he proceeded to Bushire on H.M.S.
                     Redbreast to confer with the Resident on various matters, and
                     from thence, under instructions from tho latter returned to
                     Fujeyrah, on the Oman coast, north of the Batineh, to endeavour Fujeyrah.
                    to bring Sheikh Hamid bin Abdullah, Chief of tho Sharkiyycen,
                     to reason in regard to tho actively hostile attitude which he has
                    latterly assumed towards the Joasini. The stubliorn old veteran,
                     however, refused to be convinced. Ilis ease is still engaging the
                     attention of the ltesident in tho Persian Gulf, in connection
                    with the Pirate coast questions, but it nevertheless claims passing
                    mention in a chronicle of Maskat affairs, in that Sheikh Hamid,
                     at an earlier stago of tho case, applied to tho Sultan for assistance
                    against his alleged oppressors, tho Joasmi. On tho advice of
                    tho Resident, however, His Highness has wisoly abstained from
                    espousing his cause or otherwiso participating in tho quarrel.
            7. En route to Fnjcyrah H. M. S. Redbreast touched at the islets of
         Farur, Nabi-ul-Farur, Sirri, Abu Musa, Nabi-ul-Tanb and Tanb and it was
         noticed that tho Persian flag was still Hying over tho main Arab village on the _
         island of Sirri, as it was in 11*87-1888, vide Persian Gulf Administration Report Blrriiaiami? °*
         for that year. Tho fact was duly reported to tho Rosidont in tho Persian Quit
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