Page 422 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 422
Tho total value of trade for tho year according to the figures furnished
by ILis Highness’s Customs is returned at 0,711,050 dollars, as against
-11037,704 dollars of last year; shewing an increase of 1,071,186 dollars.
This amount represents an increment of 20S,7‘17 dollars in the oxport side
and 865,139 dollars on tho imports. The items chielly contributing to this
result arc:—
Import. Coffee.—The increase in coffee imported represents a greater capacity for
the Bedouin to buy with the proceeds of his dates, the export of which* was
above the normal owing to a poor season further nortk
Sugar.—It will he noted that tho importation of sugar is nearly double the
normal figure. Tho explanation is that large quantities of Austrian sugar were
imported via Bombay with a view to re-export to India through the Native
State Ports tho cnhauccd duty being thereby evaded. The Customs authorities
concerned wero however, by arrangement, apprized of the destination of ail
craft clearing with such sugar for Indian ports, and duty was presumably levied
in due course.
Specie.—For the last two yearn there has been a large increase both in the
import and export of specie. The reason for this is that the rupee value of the
dollar in ^faskat docs not, from local causes, always correspond with the current
Bombay rate, and is constantly fluctuating. When therefore Hash at mer
chants can buy dollars cheaper in Mash at than in Bombay they export largely
to Bombay, keep in bond and re-export at Bombay rates to foreign ports where
there is a demand for them. In the same way when they arc dear in Maskat
they import from Bombay.
This exchange speculation is facilitated by the cable communication which
now exists.
Two years ago there was a disposition to smuggle dollars into India via
Katliawar ports with the same motive, but the attention of Government was
drawn to this traffic and it is believed to have since ceased.
During the year the dollar exchange has fluctuated between R139 and
R112 per hundred dollars although the actual silver value of 100 dollars is
Exports. Dates.—There was a considerable increase in the export to India due, it is
believed, to the dearth of the article in Persia and Turkish Arabia.
Limes.—There was a large export to Persia owing to the abnormal scar
city of the fruit in Persia itself, where it is understood to he extensively used
for dyeing purposes.
Other items seem to call for no special remark.
P. Z. COX. Major,
Hi8 Britannic Majesty's Consul and
Folilical Agent, Masqat.