Page 421 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
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          and that the port of Sur continues to bo, as it lias been for many generations,
          the distributing centre for these waters.
              Of individual fugitive slaves 6G have taken refugo at this Consulate during
          the year, out of which number G4* have been given manumission papers with
          the concurrence of the Local Government.
              15. The cable rales from Maskat to India and clsewhero were reduced Telegraph
          from 1st Juno 1902 in spite of which reduction the receipts at the Maskat
          office have averaged over 11900 monthly.
              1G. It having been decided that under the conditions at present holding in Agoncy f
          Maskat it was dcsirablo for tho Agency Surgeon to live near the Consulate and E&uso°and
          not in Muttra, as had for many years been the custom, and fresh accomtnoda- Quartora.
          tiou being also required for the Consular Staff and Officials of the Telegraph
          Department, the Government of India permitted the Political Agent to
          purchase the premises of Ruttonsio Purshotam, adjoining the British Consulate,
          and during tho present year plans and estimates for the building of suitable
          residential quarters for the Agency Surgeon and Consular and Telegraph Stall
          on tho site in question have been sanctioned and it is hoped that the next year
          will see them completed.
              17. Maskat was visited during the year by Ilis Majesty’s ships Redbreast, Navy.
          Pomone, Sphinx, Amphilrite, Lapwing, Cossack, Assaye, Fox, Renown, and
          Perseus and by the Royal Indian Marine Steamers Investigator and Lawrence.
              Foreign Navies were represented as under:—
                          Russian.—Askold and Boyarin.
                          Frencii.—Priant and Infer net.
                          United States of America.—Isla de Luzon.
              IS. Captain J. TV. Grant, I.M.S. proceeded on furlough and banded over official
          his duties to Captain TV. Lethbridge, I.M S., on 11th March 1903.   chafes.
              Monsienr R. Larouce, Vice-Consul for France, left for Europe on 1-Jtth
          March 1903 and was relieved by Monsieur C. Dorvillc.
              19.. Lieutenant-Colonel C. A. Kcmball, C.I.E., arrived at Maskat on 30th Bosident's
          March in the R. I. M. S. Lawrence and, after exchanging visits with the Sultan, v,slt’
          left the following morning for Bombay.

                                                        P. Z. COX, Major,
                                                  Ilis Britannic Majesty's Consul
                                                          and Folitical Agent.
             The loth April 1903.
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