Page 439 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 439


                                     TABLE No. 6.
         Statement showing the Total Number and Tonnage of Vessels of each Nation that Entered the
                                    Port of Lingah.
                                  Sailing.         Bijiam         Total.
                              No. of          No. of   Ton*.  No. of
                              VfS’oll.  Tom.  V«*w!s.         Vessels.  Toni.
                     1900       HI     12,8i*0   78    85,800   219     93,600
                   . 11901
         British                122    12,900    81    89,100   203    102,000
                     1902       112    11,350    95   104,500   207    115,850
                   11901         10      8U0                     10       800
         French                   8      640                      8       640
                     1902         6      480                      6       430
                   .11901        67     6,350     2     2,200    69      8,550
         Turkish                 41    8.400                     41      3,100
                     1902        49    3,900                     49      3,960
                     1900        80     3,200                    80      3,200
         Maskat      1901        50     2,000                    50      2,000
                     1902        40     1,600          • ••      40      1,600
                   . 11901      110    3,300                    110      3,300
         Arab                   100     8,000                   100      3.U00
                     1902        85    2.400                     85      2,400
                     19U0       190     8,170                   190      8,170
         Persian     1901       120    5,160                    120      5,160
                     1902        95    4,035                     95      4,085
                     1900                                               • ••
         Russian     1901                         2     2,200     2      2,200
                   { 1902                         2     2,200     2      2,200
                   . jl90l      598    34,620    80    83,900   673    122,620
            Total               441    27,100    83    91,300   524    118,400
                     1902       3S7    23,875    97   106,700   434    130,575
                                     TABLE No. 6.
         Statement showing the Total Number and Tonnage of Vessels of each Nation that Clearel the
                                     Port of Lingak.
                                  Sailing.        Stiax.           Total
              Nationality.    No. of          No. of          No. of
                              Vends.  Tom.    Vessels.  Tons.  Vcssds.  Tons.
                     1900       121    11,100    37    40.700   158     51,860
         British     1901        87    9,925     45    49,500   132     59,425
                     1902        80    8,630     47    51.700   127     6U.330
                     1900         8      640    • •               8       640
         French      1901        5       400           • ••       5       400
                     1902        6       480                      6       4S0
                     1900        62    6,000      2     2,200    64      8,200
         Turkish     1901        26    2,350           •••       26      2,350
                  •{ 1902        21    2,000                     21      2,090
                     1900        70    2,800                     70      2,800
         M&skat      1901        30    1,200                     80      1,200
                     1902        40    1,600           • ••      40      1,600
                     1000        90    2,700           • ••      90      2,700
        Arab •       1901        80    2,400                     80      2,400
                     1902        82    2,460           • ••      82      2,460
                     1900       180    •7,640                   180      7/H0
                  ■{             80                    • ••      60      8,440
        Persian      1901              3,440
                     1902        76    3,225           • ••      76     '3,225
        Russian      1901      • ••               3     8,300  • ft     • ft
                  ■                                               3      3,801
                     1902      • ••               2     2,200     *      2,200
                     1000       631   30,780     39    42,000   670     73,680
            Total    1901       308    19,715    48    62,800   366     72,516
                     1902       804   18,395     49    63,900   353     72,296
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