Page 434 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 434


               Comparative Table of the Principal Imports at all the Ports of the Consular District of Bushire,

                                           a ip   Quantitv.  •oc;
                                     ■m                      ig-2
                                     J*                      Sc-S
                  A&TICL19.   POSTS.       &S..J             So s       Cll AUACTKS OF TUAD I,
                                     I!    s g   1901. I 1902.  Slid
                                           ^ o               C I. o c«
                                                             C U OH
             Gold Lack and Tubhad-          R».   1U.   Us.    1U.
              Qold Lace ,   .  Duibirc .   Caici     !    G     + 6  Chiefly imported from Iudia.
                             Lingah   Ibi.   177  '*200 ; -100   + 200
                             Arab Coait   Tolu  9.0  4,600   4.500
              Gold Thread    Busliiro .   Cases  12  22   4     -18
                             Liugali   lbi.  12G   120   400   + 280
                             Arab Coait  Toldi  6,300  8,500  lO.OuO  + 1,100
             Gold Embboidebbd cloth  Unthiro ,   Cases  11  3   -3
                             Lingah  Pieces  163   150   100    -50
             Grain avd Poles—
              Wheat          Busbiro .  cwts.  1,19,379  10,736  7,011  -3.G95  Hus boon imported from Iudia ioto
                                                                    Uusbire and other Gulf porta, owing to
                                                                    tbo local supply haviug failed.
                             Lingsli       34.470  20,350  79,740  + 53.390
                             Arab Coast    23.953  2J.COO  26,000  + 3.000
              Barley        Bushiro ,      79.748  8,150  11,085  + 2,935  Tbo ubovo remarks apply to ibis item
                             Lirgtb   »•   31.581  7.124  21.200  ♦ 14,076
                             Arab Coast   #•  G.S40  l.'OO  1.9C0  + 100
              Bice .         Bushiro .  • I  11,587  9,487  00,921  + 51,434  Tbo scarcity prevailing iu the country
                                                                    induced lurgo imports of this article.
                                                                    Tbo whole of it was imported from
                            Lingah    n   1,76,050  1.28,260  2.03.485  + 80,235
                            Arab Coast   •  I  1,14,550  1,20.250  1,42,500  + 22,250
              Other sorts .  liuibiro .   »*  3,948  2,971  1,725  -1.246
                            Linguh         6,194  970   1.397  + 427
                            Arab Coast  n  2,181  2,250  2,100  -150
                            Busbire .
             Babbbdajuxbz            Casos  163   183   225    + 42
                            Lingah .   It's.  18   33   160    + 117
            Habdwabi axd Cotlebt—   Arab Coast  2,880  3.700  3,400  -300
              iiaidware .   •  Bushiro . Packages  1,523  1,984  1,426  -553  The bulk of tba imports is from Uoited
                                                                    Kingdom and India, France and
                                                                    Austria al*o contributing to a sms 11
                            Lingah   cwts.  2,933   2,000  2,500  + 6C0   extent.
                            Arab Coast   lit.  20,M 4  20,000  21,000  + 1,000
              Cutlery       Busbiro   Cases  88    67    30    -37
                            Liugah           13    36    60    + 14
                            Arab Coast  Bs.  1,846  1,700  1,810  + 100
            JUTI AXD MAATFAC-
              Gunny bags ,   .  Busbire . Packages  442  369  229  -140  Tbo articles mostly impjrted under this
                                                                    brad are gunny bugs, the bulk of which
                            Lingab .         62    80   109         comes from India.
                                                               + 29
             Other aorta    Busbiro .   Cases  167  91   38    -63
                            Li tie ah   CVTtS.  800  450  150  -300
                            Arab Coast   Us.  2,514  2,tx0  1,200  -l.CtO
            Lamps and Lampwabe .  busbire .  Cases  103  191  52  — 142  Chiefly from United Kingdom and Iudia.
                                                                    A small consignment «>f a   few casts
                            Lingah   Rs.   1,201  1.500  860  — C50   was also received from Belgium.
                            Arab Coast j   2,9u9  3.500  4,000
                                      II                       + 500
            Lbatheb and Maadfac*
               T0KE8 —             I
             Leather (launed)  Bushiro . 1 Packages   31  7  15  ♦ 8
                            Arab Coast Its.   21,402  26,000  27,500  +1,600
             Saddlery, Uarocts, Boots  liusbire . Packages   200
                                                              — 319
             Shoes, etc. .   .   .  Lingab .   Us.  6,047  8,500  18,200  + 4,700
                            Arab Coast   „  2,102  700  1,050
            Liquom, Wines and                                 + 350
             Whisky         Bosbire .  Cases  1,174  1,129  592  -137  Chiefly from United Kingdom and
             Wines ,   ,     Do.                                   Germany.
             Braudj ,   ,    Do.     II     703  1,321  1,201  — 120   From United Kingdom and France.
                                                                   From United Kingdom, Iudia, slid
             Champagne   •   Do.     • «     65    89    Gl        France.
                                                                   From Fiance.
             Beer ....       Do.            218   159   228    -25  From United Kingdom, Iudia and Oer-
                                                               + 69
                                  *1  M
             Otber sorts     Do.         !   246                   many.
            Matches          Do.     II    1,971  2,721  69   -348  Mostly imported from Unitod Kingdom
                                     II                1,382  -1,312
                                                                   and Austria. Dccroaso is duo to lb*
                                                                   overstocked state of the market iu lb#
                            Linzali         118   ICO   210   + 1!0   previous year.
                            Arno Coast  lit.  007  1,600  1,800  + 30u
   429   430   431   432   433   434   435   436   437   438   439