Page 430 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 430


                Comparative TahU of the Principal Export* at all the Ports of the Consular District of Dushirt
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                                       Im           QCANTITY.  m
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                    AUTICLI3.   Pout.        tu                m          ClIAUACTRU OP TBADI,
                                       §5    »• a   1901.  1902.
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                                       i-O*  ^ O -s
                                              Its.  Hi.   Hi.   Hi.
               3bAI!<AXD PUU*—(C«M.)
                Wheat—could.   Lingah   cwts.  1,410   4.800  9,200  + 1.400
                               Arab C'oiit   M  1.800   1,850  l,»UO  •(■ISO
                Barley •   •   •  llu.lure    2,738   2    27    + 23
                               Lingah   II   10,200   3,COO  (13,500  + 9,000
                Hie.......................................  lluahire .   »»  0,310   411  it  -378
                              Liugah   ••   1,00,090   99,250  1,41,1ft  + 41,*>50
                               Ar«b Coait    6.400   1,800  2,300  + 500
                Other lorU of Grain  Buihirc .   >•  1,027   766  397  -369
                              Liugah .       3,809  COO   850    + 230
              Gcm             Buihiro        21,641  23,950  12.566  -11,384  Exported to United Kingdom, !ȣ*
                                                                      Germany and Belgium, principally U
                                                                      the two former pUces. The doc’.icia
                Maitics and other aorU   Do.  4,173  9,097  4,137  -4,960  due to a dall market abroad.
                 of Ouui.
                               Liugab  • •     95   175   350    + 175
               Uabditabb .     Do.     ••    1,345  1,000  1,500  + 600
              CUTLERY          Do.    Cases    28   110    80    -30
               UlDBB IVV SSIXS .  Bushiro  Euudlei  2,877  3,250  4,264  + 1,014  Exported principally to United Kisjdsa
                                                                      uud Germany. This tr«de ii rtiasisr
                                                                      iu old proportions, aud price* ari tail
                              Lingnh         6,596  6,000  8,000  + 2,000   to be romuneralivo.
              JlWILLEBX A5D SllYBB-   Duibiro  Hi.  25,530  12,000  10,400  -1,600
                Gauuics •   •   •  Arab Coait  Rundlci  1,500  1,500  1.600  + 100
                Oiber manufactures .  Lingab   cwti.  238  150  130  -20
                              Arab Coast  Hi.  2,610  2,000  2,000
              Mats ahd Mat bags  Liugab ,  Pieces  3.6S0  2.100  6,000  + 3.930
                Copper        Buibiro .   cwti.  72   G   ISO    + 145
                              j Lingah  it    120    60    63    + 13
                Other sorts of Mrtsb . j Busbire .  05  233  17  -216
                              ! Lingah  •i   1,430  1,050  350   -700
                Kerosloe     . Liiigah .     4,459  3,300   3,000  -300
                               Arab Const   Ra.  3,1*04  8,000 |   8,000
                Other_iorts of oils  • ' Liugab   cwti.  612  620  .   680  + 60
                              Arab Coast  III.  1,904  3,500   3,500
              Ofiux .        . j Buibire  cwts.  6,855  10.729   4,115  -6,614  Principally exported to Chios uJ
                                                                      United Kingdom. The deereais ii 4*
                                                                      to unremunerative prices ruling ii
                                                                      those markets, aud stock* haring bws
                              !                                       held over iu conaequencc. But toward
                                                                      tbo end of the jear a rise in pries *■
                                                                      reported in China, aud some ibipeuB
                                                       ;              wero made. But at iti Wit priai
                                                                      ronlizcd aro said to be bilow cot
                              i                        I              The adulteration of the drug U
                              i                        :     !        been largely given up, though »i
                              ;                                       entiroly.
              Pearls .         Do.     Hi.   10,401    |  ;  2,025  + 2,025  Principally exported to India. Tbl in
                               Lingab       33,73,280 10,13.500 82.00,000  + 41,80,500   crease is due to tbo good leason,
                               Arab Coast   59,89,998 50,00,100 8,00,000 -42,00,000
                Kuie water .   Buibire  Packages  16,915  19,437  13,688  -5,749  Exported to India and Zanxibsr. Us
                                                                      decrease is duo to poor crop.
                               I.ingah .  cwts.  81  60    75     + 25
                Other sorts of perfumery  Busbire  16  20        -20
                               Lingah  Ouoccs  62    10    60     + 70
                Glee .         Bu’hirc .   cwti.  348  229  145  -84
                               Linusb   »•    1,190  1,3U0  1,565  + 265
                               Arab Coast      29    20    15     -5
                Sugar (loaf sud soft) . Uoihire .  1.81H  3,507  2,998  -609
                               Lingub                            -700
                                       ii     4,290  8,300  7,600
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