Page 432 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 432
TAI3LE No. 2.
Comparative Table of the Principal Imports at all the Ports of the Consular District of Dushire, 1901-1909.
iS Quantity. TJ O. •£
Abticlis. Pout. 2? CllAUACTKH OP TBADI,
1001. 1002. *Ilg
Jo 5 £ O gS
C , <
Animals — Ri. Us. U«. Us.
llorses , Dusliiro . Heads 6 15 2 -13 Tlicuo aro iuiporlcd by private iodivl-
Donkeys . Do. II 1 -1 Tho above remarks apply also to this
Llnpab . /• 61 65 55 -10
Camels Do. 26 25 16 -0
Other sorts . Do. >■ 5 6 4 -2
Apparel Wishing . Busbire . Packages 114 183 I 187 + 4 Principally irapnrtod from Uoited Kicg.
doiu and India.
Lingab 285 402 I 800 —102
I Arab Coast Pieces 302 300 SOO
Boon and Printed ; Busbiro . Cases 226 358 222 -180
MATTER. ' I.local 35 33 —2
Arab Coast It 623 650 1,040 ♦ 400
. Hu»kiro . Bundles 6.400 —27,000
Buildino Materials 27.000
; Liugsh Tons 7,700 12.000 15,000 ♦ 3,000
Arab Coast It 1,036 2,600 250 —2,250
Candles , ! Busbiro . cwts. 1,962 4,236 402 —3,834 Chiefly imported from United Kingdom
and Austria. Tho decrease is due to
the overstocking of the market in tbs
previous year. The close of tbs yaar
fouud (bo market almost exhausted sod
pricci went up, which induced traders
to soud largo orders.
Lingah It 155 36 66 + 20
Arab Coast 69
»l 36 36
Castas (sail cloth) Busbiro . Bundle# 27 36 107 + 72 Tho increase is duo to import from India.
It is mostly employed iu making sails
for native craft in the Qulf.
Arab Coast cwls. 924 870 870
Cattle . Do. Heads 6,040 4,500 3.500 —1,000
Cor/EE • Bnsbire . cwts. 294 369 167 —202 Tbo bulk import into these ports is from
*' India. The docro«se in Bashirs is
numiaal, as formerly coffee imported
into Uushire used to be again re
1 exported to Arab Const, but owing to
I direct ateamor communication with tbs
; Arab Coast, since last year, the imports
into Busbire have decreased, wbsreas
they have increased iu Arab Cosil and
j Lingab 3,660 + 4.BOO
II 3.600 8,400
I Arab Coast 9,020 7,210 8.075 + 875
ColB AND COIB BOPI Busbire . •I 349 616 403 -107
*1 Lingab 1,140 1.500 2,400 + 900
Arab Coast »• 6,800 6.500 6,500
Cotton pesce-ooode—
White and grey abirtings Busbire . Package* 21.567 20,554 14,951 —11,603 Theae are chiefly imported from UoiUd
Kingdom and India. The heavy
decrease noted in all kinds of piece*
goods is due to tbo market beiog
overstocked last year, combined with
tbo poverty of the people brought «
by scarcity. The good rains which
fell duriug the latter part of the year
have improved the situation, and there
is every hope of imports being resumtd
i Lingah 346 700 650 -60 on a larger scale.
Arab Coast 343 275 275
Priota : .: Busbire . S.0<*9 14.278 7,703 —6,576
Lingah . 441 500 350 -160
Arab Coast 130 ' 130 130
Dyed sbirliugs . Lingab 293 290 225 -65
Arab Coast lot 100 100
Other sorts . . Busbiro . 130 188 7 —181
Lingsb . 7H0 81*2 730 -162
Arab Coast 744 840 913 ♦ 73
Cotton (baw) Bnsbire . cwts. ir.t 4 ♦ 4
Llogab 45 350 288 -62
Arab Coast It 322 357 400 ♦ 43