Page 435 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 435


         Comparative Table of the Principal Imports at all the Porte of the Consular District of Buthire,
                                    ZM      Qoaktitv.  m
                               J*                      ill
                               tl   -     1901.  1902.  m
           Abticuh.     I’OUT.                          .21       ClIABACTKB OF TKAUB.
                                    £ t
                               cS0'  S' »o t».
                                     Rs.    Ra.   Ha.   Ua.
       Im aid Mat daqs  Buihiro   Hundlca  2,801  2,213  1,351  -862
                      Lingah .   I'iocca  10,039  7.115  16,226  + 9.110
                      Arab Coait  • •  51.202  46.500  52,500  + 6,000
        Copper        iiuebire •  owtt.  3,893  3,921  2,998  -926  IuijorU-d from Uuiled Kingdom and
                                                              India. Docrcnae ia duo to tbo poveity
                                                              of tbe people.
                      Lingab          282    85   115    + 30
                      Ar>b Coait   M »>  382  330  350   + 20
        Tio .         Buibiro         719   764  1.610   + 796  Imported from United Kingdom and
                                                              India. The bulk of tbo importa ia in
                                                              tiu-platca which arc principally uaed in
                                                              making uteusUs and lampa.
                      Lingah ,   n    106          37    + 37
                      Arab Coaat   • »  GO   65    70     + 5
        Iron .        Buabirc .     12,698  16,394  6,605  -9,789  All tbo import ia from United Kingdom
                                                              and ludia.
                      Liugab         2,245  2.626  2.874  + 240
                      Arab Coaat   ii  1,140  1,200  1,200
        Brau .        iiuabire   M   1,040  313  1,070   + 727   All from Uuited Kingdom and India.
                      Arab Coaat      247   220   210    —10
        Other aorta .  Buabire        638   611  3.595  + 8.054  Mostly lead and tine from United King­
                               • I
                      Lingab   tl     331   157   268    + 99
                      Arab Coaat     1,244  1.100  1,100
       On*—                    II
       Karoiina       Bnahiro .  Caaca  9.0G1  22.173  51  —22,122  Tbe drcroaae noted in this is due to the
                                                              consignments brought by Kuaaiao
                                                              •teamera not having been included in
                                                              tbo returna, aa information regarding
                                                              merchandiee brought by aucb ateamera
                                                              ia not available, but from inquiries
                                                              undo in tbo Bauar, about 20.C0J cases
                                                              were imported by them. Tbo Britiah
                                                              India merchant, who waa tbe principal
                                                              importer in previous year*, did not
                                                              import aoj daring tbe year.
                      Lingab .       8,062  6,416  6.6C0  + 185
                      Arab Coaat   ii  4,254  8,300  3,000  -4,700
        Oibar aorta   Bnabire .   owta.  SOI  126  673  —353
                      Lingab .   II   840   400  1,200  + 800
                      Arab Coaat     4,080  4,400  4,400
       PlAUJ          Liogah  Ra.  35,79,600 40,40.000 72,00,000  + 31,60,000  Tbo largo incroaae in Liogab ia doe to a
                                                              proaperoua pearl aeeaou.
                      Arab Co&it  ft  82,998  1,10.000   60,000  —60,000
        fUtawalcr    Lingah   cwte.   103   125   220    + 05
                     Arab Coast  Cbarboja  421  405  450  + 46
        Othar aorta   Lingab   Tol.a  353   200   400    + 2C0
                      Arab Coaat  Ra.  37,446  80,760  38,000  7,300  Principally imported from United King­
                                                              dom aud India.
       facium ABD CHIBA-
        Cbiuwtre .    Buabire ,   Caaea  1,209  2,119  2,010  —109
                      Liogab   • !»    65   100   125    + 26
        Porcelain ,   Buibiro   B     616   161    81   —131
                      Arab Coaat  ft  16,180  11,600  11,400  —100
       hOTUIOH*—                                             Tbe failure of the barveata owing to a
                                                              scanty rainfall neceaailated the import-
                                                              atiou of a Urge quantity of all kind*
                                                              of proviaiona from ludia, especially
        Cocoaoats .   Bashire .   Bundles  203  169  60  -99
                      Lingab   owta.  1,360  300  200   —100
                     Arab Coaat   Rs.  2,662  2,300  2.2 00  —100
        Drj Limes     Buahire .   cwts.  640  5 SO  319  —261
                      Liojmb   ii    1,254  1,050  1,300  + 250
                      Arab Coaat      49     45    45
        Rear          Buihire .      6,719  3,858  20,173  + 16,316
                      Liogah   99   11.780  8,000  27,0:.0  +19,650
                     Arab Coast   99  2,540  2.230  2.400  + 150
        Uaa .         Puahire .   I*  4.517  6,028  6,230  + 202
                      Lingab .        905  2,460  6,000  + 2,550
                     Arab Coaat   ii  2,630  2,775  3,000  + 225
        Olhtr aorta .  Bushire .  •I  4,046  4,841  5,720  + 879  Other aorta of provisions ara mo»Uy
                                                              European stores imported from United
                      Lingah         6,297  7,400  6,425  —075  Kingdom aud Indio.
                     Arab Coaat     93,210  1G.500  15,900  -COO
       lut .          Lingah   evrta.  85.400  66,000  80.000  + 24,000
                      Arab Coast  N  38,200  41,060  40,000  —1,000
   430   431   432   433   434   435   436   437   438   439   440