Page 433 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 433


         Comaarativc Table of the Principal Imports at all the Ports of the Consular District of Bushire,
                                     i.r |   Quantity.  "C o •-
                               It    n                 6 =         ClIABACTBU Oy TRADE
            ABT1CLBB.   TOUTB.       5 s-8  1S01.  1902.  U h
                               H     ® O I,            lei
                               p     <
                                       Ra.   Ra.   Bs.    K..
                       Dualiiro   Packages  723  1,272  1,080  -102
       Yabh AND twist .
                       Lingsh   cwte.  707  1,104  1,281  + 130
                       Arab Coast  91  270   300   250    -60
                       Buabiro •   ••  9,829  9.147  227  —8,920
       Datu .
                       Lingsh   ii   43,060  U.CO0  21,800  + 7,800
                       Ar«b Coast  ii  1,01,360  08,000  68.U00
                       Bushirc         900        1,600  +1,000
       Date Jdice .                         *800
                       Arab Coast  ••  921         800
                                                              Chiefly imported from Uuited Kiogdom
        Cassia.        Busbiro .  If   8C7
                                                               and India.
                       Arab Coast   Rs.  80  100   100
        Quinine        Boabiro   Cases  32    38    19    —19
                       Lingab   Ra.   1,771  4,000  2,000  -2,000
                       Arab Coast  99  212   ^00   2UU
        Asafociida .    Do.            170   200   400   + 200
        Other sorts .  Dosbiro   Packages  2,505  2.137  1,756  —381
                       Lingab   cwts.  601   648   410   —232
                       Arab Coast  ii  422   420   420
                                                              This is all from India. The decrease
        Indigo         Bnsbiro .      3,262  2,209  670  —1,539  noted is due to the genoral depression
                                                               of trade in cotton-goods. The indigo
                                                               dyed cloth is mostly used by the peas­
                                                               antry, whoso purchasing power was
                                                               crippled by bad season.
                       Lingab .  91    41     65    91    + 36
                       Ara  b Coast  own.  102  100  100
       Coton amd Paint  Busbiro   Packages  217  10  168  + 158
                       Liugah .*   ctvts.  41  25   15    -10
                       Arab Coast   Drums  200  200  210  + 10
        Other sorts .  «  Boshire .   Packages  669  584  299  -285
                       Lingah   cwts.  1,600  1,360  1,300  -80
                       Arab Coast  99  5U2   too   495     -5
       Eabthbmwabb (Pottbby)  Lingah   Bs.  4,301  4,000  6,250  + 2,250
                       Arab Coast  99  8,507  8.700  9,700  + 1,000
       Fiona AMD Vegetables—
        Almonds         Do.   .cwts.   1P4   200   200
        Kaisins and Cnrrants .   Do.  it  244  200  1.700  + 1,600
        Other sorts .  Lingah   ii     766 i   1.2u0  1,450  + 250
                       Arab Coast     1,482  1,250  l,2o0  -60
        Coal and charcoal  Rushiro   Tons  1,505  974  371  — C03
                       Lingah          712   625   485    -40
                       Arab Coast   99  159   50    60
        Firewood .     llusbire       7,160  7,950  9,008  +1,068
                       Lingub   H     9,080  13,500  17,000  + 3,500
                       Arab Coast  ii  1,140  GUO  COO
       fOBMITUBB .     Bushire  Packages  168  274  603  + 229  This is imported from United Eiogdom
                                                               and ludia by private individuals.
                       Linpah   Rs.   6,278  8.C00  10,000  + 2.000
                       Arab Coast  Pieces  498  600  700  + 200
       OLAII AMD GlA83\TAB1—
        Glassware .    Bnsbire .  Cases  777  1,406  471  — 994 Principally imported from United King­
                                                               dom and India, a small portiou coming
                                                               from Frauce, Germany and Austria.
                                                               Belgium has also come into the Held
                                                               with cheap and showy artiolea. The
                                                               decrease is partly due to the importa­
                                                               tion of Ruaaiau manufactured articles
                                                               through the north, and partly to the
                                                               poverty of the people.
                       Lingah   Rs.   3,319  2,600  2,000  -600
                       Arab Coast     1,941  2,000  2,400  + 400
         Qlui (window) .  Bushire .  Cases  1,565  1,429  1,779  + 350  The bulk of the imports are from Uuited
                                                               Kingdom and ludia, Belgium also
                                                               sent A small consignment of 320 cases.
                       Lingah   Rs.    070   500   25U   -250 i
         Other sorts .  Busbiro .   Cases  159  311  91  + 620
                       Lingah .   Bs.  4,522  6,000  6,000  -1,000
                       Arab Coast     1,244  1,200  1,200
   428   429   430   431   432   433   434   435   436   437   438