Page 429 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 429


                                   TABLE No. 1.
        Coaparatice Table of the Principal Exports at all the Ports of the Consular District of Bushire,
          r                         1901-1902.
                           *o    if    Qcantitt.  in
          ABTICLU.   Post.       in               2 = t     ClIABACTBB or TB1DB.
                            8 A        1901.  1902.  m

                                  Ri.   Rs.  Ri.    B«.
       BtflM       Busbiro   Ucadi  125  238 ;  315  ♦ 77  Exported to India.
                   Arab Co*it       6    30  •"50   -30
       Dosksjs       Do. .         74    eo         -10
       2j!m        Buibiro .        4         1G1   + 161  Tbcio molei were eiporiad to India for
                                                         (bo u»a of tbo Government of India.
       CuniU       Arab Cout  II   25         15    + 15
                   Liogah               703   890
      Cum, im CLOTH        CWtl,   5G0              + 187
      ClRU .       Eushiro .  Head i  6.400  6,000 ,  2.000  -3,006  Tbeic aro all exported to Dabrein and
                                                         Arab Coa*t. The decre*e it due to tbe
                                                         scarcity of livestock in Periia, and tbo
                                                         consequent high pricei which ruled ia
                                                         tbe local market.
                   Lingah         600   200         -200
      Cemi .       Bushire  cate.  2o3  536         -536  Principally exported to Bahrein and Arab
                                                         Cent and tbe decrease ie due to thoio
                                                         placet now importiug direct from India.
                   Linitah        2.642  2.943  50  -2,893
                   Arab Coast     430   700   700
      6a us con bopb  Liugab  ■i  506   2SO   450   + 170
      CWTOX PtlCl GOODS—
       Whits and Grey Shirting* Bmbire   Bales  214  266  243  -24
                   Lingab .       214   128   75    -53
                   Arab Coaal   Re.  400  2,000  2.200  + 200
       Prists      Lingab   Biles  272  210    5    -205
                   Arab Coaat   Rs.  200  1,000  1.3CO  + 300
       Sjld shirtings  Liogah   B->lei  178  140  34  -106
                   Arab Coaat   Ri.  600  3,000  3,600  + 600
       Other sorts of piecs goods  Kushire .  Packages  1  + 1
                   Lingah   • •   435   245   51    -194
      frnoi (taw)  Busbiro  cwti.  5,426  6,497  6,071  -1,426  Principally exported to Iodia. The
                                                         decrease it due to the failure of crop.
                   Liugeb         296   400   20    -380
      fonci (Tabs x-VD Twist) Busbir#  169    489   + 489
                   Liogah         146    45   25    -20
      Ism .        Buihire       11.443  8.180  3.361  -4.819
                   Liogab        29,'JGO  12.600  22,500  + 10,000
      UXOTIOB ,     Do.           124   150         -160
      Ibis aid Msdicixis  Buibire   116  2.405  805  -1.605   Principally exported to India.
                   Lingab         1.687  1,562  1.100  -462
                   Arab Coast     400  2.000  2,500  + 500
          AND COLOBItfO  Busbiro  ewu.  817  621  608  + 87
       y iran r n
                   Liogah        1,301  225   285   + 60
       £sn ABO Vbobtablu-
       |luodi .   .  Buibire  u  6,083  1,410  6,864  + 4,454  Principally to Iodia. Tbaro haa been a
                                                         decrease in tbe exports to tbe United
                                                         Kingdom. Inorcaee noted in the return
                                                         ia due to tbe stock which was held over
                                                         laet year, owing to bad pricee, having
                                                         been freely exported to lodia.
                   Liogeb   ii   1.084  350   230   -120
       Rasad kinul  Buibire  II  4,549  6,100  4,158  -1.002  Exported principally to India and United
                                                         Kingdom. Tbe decree»e ie due to ship­
                                                         ments to United Kingdom having
                                                         fallen off considerably below tbe figures
                                                        of tbe previous year.
       libisi and Currants  Do.  »»  886  1,201  411  -700
                   Liugab        1,655  4M5   295  -190
       Ote sorts of FruiU .  Husbirc   It  3.213  6,225  430  -4,795
                   Lingah   M    1,201  600   406  -263
                    Do.    Tons  1,203   16   25    ♦ 10
                   Arab Coast  Rs.  1,672  2,000  2,500  + 600
       liku iro Pctsi—
       fWi         Buibire .  cwtt.  1,112  694  8  -086  Owing to the serious ftilure of the crops
                                                        oo grain wee exported from the Persian
                                                        Peru. The increase ahown under
                                                        Liogab is due to grain imported from
                                                        Indie, baring becu reexported to the
                                                        Arab Coast.
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