Page 431 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 431
Comparative Tallc of the Principal Exports at all the Ports of the Consular District of Bushirc,
r 1901-1902—coutd.
»•« 4sf
o'i. S2
ti i-S. 1001. 1002. iiri
AuriciKs. POBT. c S-=l ClIARACTEU OP TllADB.
Q 5
IU. Us. Us. lit.
PlOTWOSS — (eontd ) -205
TAllow Linpub cwts. G42 725 520
Tes . HuiLiro ■ • • CO 171 27 — 144
Liiii! nli ti 80 72 115 + 13
+ 190'
Limes (dry) Do. 855 700 690 -974
Other sorts of Provision Huthirc . Pack ages C72 1,600 535
Lingah . cwts. 2,210 1.974 13,515 + 11.511
Amb Coast •i 7,601 6,500 6,500 -1,000
But Lingah Tons 3.0C0 1,800 •1,000 + 2.200
Linseed Busbiro • cwts. 2,748 1.9S7 3,018 + 1,061
I.i up ah , #» 1,500 5 CO —500
Other sorts of seeds Busbiio . • • 6,188 11,200 6,358 —5,851
Lingab 80 600 + 420
String Fisa . 135
Arab Coast Its. 2.600 3,500 3,500
SuLia (MoIHBB-O'PkjlBI) Busbiro . cwts. 33,939 23,337 10,018 —13.289 Tbo export is principally to United
Lingab II 4,002 6.050 7,200 + 1.160 Kingdom and Germany. Prices bare
Arab Coset II 3,000 2,000 8.000 + 1,000 not proved remunerative In the markets
8lU (Baw) . Busbiro Bundles 129 25 + 25
Liogab lb. 288 430 250 —180
Silk piece-goods . Bashire Cases • 2 + 2
Lingab Pieces 220 no 1,700 + 1,550
Silk spparel , . Do. Bs. 2,060 2,100 3,000 + 900
Bricza) .... Do. cwta. 955 l.oes 930 —155
Timbxb axd Wood— + 6,500
Plioks and Beams Do. Us. 11,482 9,500 10,000
Baiters . . • Do. 9,820 20,400 11,400 -9.C00
Tobacco Busbiro . cwts. 14.360 15,692 8.963 —6.729 Principally exported to Turkey, Egypt
Lingxh »» 4,853 11,415 6,i00 -5,915 and Bahteiu. A small con»ignruent
Arab Coast 653 750 450 —300 was also sent to Franco and Cyprus.
The crop of Tobacco, which is princi
pally grown in the Ispnhau District,
was very small, and prices roso up very
high. The entire yield is in the hands
of foreign monopolists, and owing to
certain customs restrictions, ordinary
merchants are debarred from trading
in this article,
Wool . Bushire cwts. , 7.338 4.636 1.788 —2.848 Principally exported to United Kingdom
Liugah 11s. 4,077 1,100 C,C00 + 5,000 and India. The wool clip during the
year under review was very poor and
scanty, and prices in markets abroad
were very low. A large quantity bad
to bo kept back. Shipments to India
resulted in losses from 20 to 25 per
cent., while those to London barely
cove red cost.
Wooiivv Goods—
Cupels • Bushiro . Packages 632 375 387 + 12 Exported to United Kingdom, Indin,
Liucnh . n 86 126 72 —64 Turkey and Egypt j the last country
Olhsr sorts . Bushiro « 7 3 8 + 5 taking (he largest number. Prices in
Liug.ih . lit. .’ 3,740 7.5CO 6.CU0 -1.5C0 the beginning of the year were un-
Arab Coast Pieces . 2,653 3,250 3,350 + 100 reinuui rativc, but latterly they impro
ved in Egypt.
Bukhiro . 5,91.412 4,89,755 1,98,012 —2,91,713
Ktxcix . Rs.
Lingsb II 22,115,090 30 2.«,i 00 30.3 .,0.0 + 7.000
Arab Coast II 4,21,880 4.-13,000 + 47000
llTlCLXS HOT SPECIFIED Ousbirc * H 83,969 1,01,146 1.02,487 -1,659
Liugah . II 31.897 12,80) 8.000 -4,8(0
Arab Coast »• 17,221 16.U0 16,5u0 + 2,500