Page 492 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
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and spent some time tlicro himself, and it was confidently hoped that ho would
then arrive at a satisfactory understanding with the Gwadur public and fix a
workable tariff. Unfortunately just at tho close of the year afresh batch
of disputes have arisen which will further delay settlement, meanwhilo tho
Sultan lias lost and is losing ft considerable amount of revenue and on th0
other hand tho merchants t here remain dissatisfied with the state of things,
and arc inclined to transfer their trade to other ports.
Seif-bin-Yanrub, who has acted as AVali at Gwadur during the year, seems
to bo civing satisfaction in tho discharge of his duties, and the frequent
complaints which were made against his predecessor do not appear to arise
against him.
Arms Traffic. It will be observed from the trade returns that tho volume of trade in arms
and ammunition increased considerably during the year, the total value
thereof being SGI,SCO dollars, repre.-enting an increment of 427,^00, or 93 per
cent., on the previous year’s figures. The local market was normal during the
first nine months of the year, but during January, February, and March, the
demand suddenly increased and exceeded the supply to such an extent that
during January tho ordinary retail rate per rifle in the bazaar rose from
32-33 to 50-53 dollars, and consignments in transit from Europe were sold
in advauce at rates varying from 42 to 43 dollars per weapon. Iu consequence
of this sudden boom practically no stock in band remained on the merchants*
books at the end of the year under report.
The following are the proportions of the trade taken delivery of by the
several nationalities concerned in it: —
Per cent.
Arab subjects , . . 15*
British do. • . 35*
Foreign do. •13
These figures tell their own tale.
Health. Maskat has remained quite free from epidemic disease of any sort and the
public health has been on the whole good. Strict quarantine has been
maintained against India, the duties of Health Officer being performed as usual
by the Agency Surgeon, under whose careful supervision preventive measures
were carried out with an entire absence of friction. One unpleasant incident,
however, occurred at the beginning of the year under review. Early iu April
three Soori subjects of His Highness the Sultan who had arrived in Maskat
as 2nd class passengers by the mail steamer from Bombay, broke quarantine
while undergoing the usual period of detention under medical observation
and absconded after dark in a native sailing boat, intending to make for Soor.
On the way they called at Bander Jisseh evidently in pursuance of a pre
arranged plan, and picked up two fellow tribesmen who had accompanied them
from Bombay, but who being deck-passeugers had been sent to the quarantine
lazaretto a couple of miies down the coast.
On their llight being reported to the Sultan in the morning he requested that
His Majesty’s ship Perseus, which was then lying in harbour, would place her
launch at his disposal for the pursuit of the truants. This request was acceded
to, and His Highness’s Arab quarantine Superintendent was despatched in her
in pursuit. There had been little or no wind during the night and tho launch
came up with the small dhow containing the Sooris about SO miles from
Maskat. As the steam-cutter hove in sight the Arabs made for the shore, but
were unable to escape owing to the precipitousness of the coast, and were
safely brought back to Ma>kat, and in the morning were awarded a term of
imprisonment by the Sultan. It turned out, however, that three out of the
five claimed to be erempt from the Sultan’s jurisdiction on the ground that
they owned dhows flying the French Flag, and a representation was forthwith
made by tho French Consul demanding their release as French protdgcs. To
this request, however, His Highness did not feel able to accede, and consulted
the British Government in the matter, with the result that it was discussed
between His Majesty's Foreign Office and the French Government, and a”
amicable arrangement arrived at, by which it was settled to refer the wbol