Page 494 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 494

       Navy.           Mo*kat was visited during tho year by the following ships of Ilia Majesty's
                   Navy, Sphinx, Kaiad, Pomone, Perseus, Lapicing, Hyacinth, Argonaut, and
                   Pox; and by the Laicrencc and Hardinge of tho Royal Indian Marino and by
                   the Government Telegraph Steamer Patrick Stcioart.                  *
                       Foreign navies were represented by the French Flagship Infernet, tho
                   Persian gunboat Jluzaffcri, and the Turkish vossel Zohaf  ‘
       Slave Trado.     No slaves were brought in by His Majesty's ships for adjudication iu the
                   Court of this Consulate, nor did any organized slave cruising take place owing
                   to His Majesty’s ships being otherwise employed. Eighty-eight fugitive slaves
                   took refuge at the British Consulate. Of these, St were freed with the consent
                   of the Sultan, two woro found not to be ontitled to freedom, and two left the
                   Consulate while their eases were undor enquiry. The gang of Soori slave
                   runners, whose capture to the number of about 150 at Mozambique was
                   mentioned in last year’s report, were sentenced to 25 years* imprisonment and
                   deported to Angola in West Africa. This should have a salutary elfcct on the
                   Soor community.
       Official        Major P. Z. Cox held charge of tho office from the beginning of the year
                   under report until 2nd January 1001, when he proceeded on three months'
                   privilege leave. Captain Lethbridge, I.M.S., Agency Surgeon, taking over
                   temporarily pending the arrival on lltli January of Captain TV. G. Grey^I.A.
                   who officiated until the end of the year.
                       Monsieur C. Dorville, Acting Vice-Consul for France, left for Europe on
                   3rd August on the returu of the permanent incumbent of the post, Monsieur
                   Pi. Larocee, from leave.
                                                              TV. G. GREY, Captain,
                                                        Ilis Britannic Hu jest p's Consul and
                                                                Political Agent, JIaskat.
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