Page 3 - Adiabene letters_Neat
P. 3

44             1SIIOCYAIIB III ()!• ADIABENE

                                  details of this dispute. It would seem that the Syriac community in
                                  Beth Qafraye were behaving independently of the authorities in
                                  bars and Seleuca-Ctcsiphon to his dismay. The Catholicos also
                                  complains in these letters about the fact that many members of the
                                  church were resorting to non-Christian courts to settle disputes.
                                  1'Expressing his fears for the future of the church in Beth Qafraye
                                  he refers on a number of occasions to the Christians in
                                  neighbouring Mazun (Oman) who had converted to Islam in order
                                  to avoid paying the poll-tax. In terms of toponymic information
                                  these five letters mention Beth Qafraye on numerous occasions in
                                  addition to many other place names of specific locations within the
                                  Gulf region.
                                      These five letters, published and fully translated here for the
                                  first time, thus represent an invaluable primary source for the study
                                  of the Church of the East within this region and early Christian
                                  interaction with a nascent Islam in the Arabian peninsula.

                                  A Note on the Manuscripts
                                  This edition is based on the two extant manuscripts (Vat. sir. 157
                                  and Paris BnF syr. 336) that contain the letters of Isho'yahb III.
                                  The more important of the two is Vat. sir. 157, an 8’ vellum codex
                                  containing 123 folios and dated to the tenth century.1 This was
                                  formerly ms. 16 of die Scandar Collection, brought from the East
                                  by the Maronite Andrew Scandar (professor of Arabic at Rome’s
                                  Sapienza) for Pope Innocent XIII (1721-24). The collection is
                                  divided into three groups: a. those from the time that lshocyahb
                                  was bishop of Nineveh (fol. la-46a); b. those written when he was
                                  metropolitan of Arbela (fol. 46a—94b); c. those written when he
                                  was Catholicos of the Church of the East (fol. 94b—124b).
                                      Paris BnF syr. 336 is a codex containing 181 folios and dated
                                  27 May 1896. The name of the copyist is Petros bar Yawsep bar
                                  Yuhanon bar Estefanos bar Abraham of Bet Gangi who states in
                                  the colophon that he completed tliis work in the village of Telkcf.
                                  It is a copy of a manuscript from Alqosh dated 1696.

                                      1 I am very grate!ul to Dr. Kristian S. Heal for generously providing
                                  me with a copy of tliis manuscript.
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