Page 5 - Adiabene letters_Neat
P. 5

46             ISIK/YAHB ill OF ADIABENE

                                  rulers,12 and have already done enough to cut off all hope of a life
                                  in the Church.
                                      God’s Church, therefore, that is to say, this holy synod, which
                                  is gathered at this lime in the city of the Catholicos’ see, has now
                                  done to you what you yourselves had already done to yourselves,
                                  namely, removing you from the honour and rank’3 *through which

                                  you have become renowned. For it is right that those who have cut
                                  themselves off from the supreme source11 of priestly life flowing
                                  from heaven, and considered that the mere empty title of
                                  priesthood is enough for them, conferring it on one another,15
                                  should be completely deprived of that empty title, that they may
                                  not become the cause of empty error for Christians’6 straying
                                  through ignorance.
                                      However, J who have often experienced that the dead can also
                                 be recalled to life by God,17 have delayed the punishment18 against
                                 you a little,19 until I have sent and visited you through this letter,
                                 and if it is that your death has not approached the corruption of
                                 ruin20 from true hope as was said of Lazarus by his sister,21 the
                                 power of our Lord perhaps might call you back, like him, and you
                                 might return to life in the Church, just as he (came back to life).22
                                 But if it is not so, rather there is no hope for you concerning your
                                 death from the Church of God, we shall mourn you just as we
                                 mourned for your friends the Mazunayc.23 Therefore, let us know

                                     13 X .A
                                     16 kriwCS.
                                     17 Hebrews 11:19.
                                     18 Ja. us
                                     19  XxX-ft
                                     20    Ik-x
                                     21 John 9:39.
                                     22 ooi, oikosous
                                     23 L»oux>. Very probably the inhabitants of Mazun (Oman) is meant;
                                 in Syriac texts Maron and Mazon arc often confused.
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