Page 160 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 160
wards evening went to visit the fort, which,
in the estimation of all the surrounding coun
try, is impregnable. We were admitted, after
much ceremony, by an iron door of great
strength, and, ascending by a vaulted pas
sage, passed through six others equally mas
sive before we reached the summit. In order
to render appearances more imposing, a
janitor behind each inquired the purport of
our visit; and, being told we were servants
of the Sooltan, he removed several locked
bars and chains, and we then passed on.
The form of the fort is circular, its diameter
being nearly one hundred yards, and to the
height of about ninety feet it has been filled
up by a solid mass of earth and stones :
seven or eight wells have been bored through
this, from several of which they obtain a
plentiful supply of water, and those which
are dry serve as magazines for their shot and
We found a few old guns here, one bearing
the name of Imam Saaf, and another that of
Kouli Khan, the Persian general who took
Maskat. A wall forty feet high surrounds
the summit, making the whole height of the