Page 162 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 162

VIII.]            TRAVELS IN OMAN.                       123

           to that adopted in India, from whence they
           appear at a very late period to have borrowed

           it, as none was made at Maskat in 1760,

           when Niebuhr visited it. The best ulwah in
           Arabia is obtained at this town. They also
           make a few copper pots, and there are some

           workers in gold and silver, but not having
           many artisans of any description, all their

           other manufactured commodities arrive from
           Maskat. I must not, however, omit to men­

           tion that a considerable quantity of cloth and
           some good mats are fabricated from the

           rushes which grow on the borders of the
           streams. Preparing cotton in the yarn is

           the principal occupation of the females. In
            the cool season they may be perceived

            coming out from beneath the groves with
            their spindles after breakfast, to enjoy the

            warmth of the sun’s rays. The men alone
            attend the looms. Besides mats the females

            manufacture some pretty baskets from the
            rushes. The former serve them to sleep on,

            and the latter they carry with them to
            market to deposit their purchases in. A

            great many camolines are fabricated here,
            and also brought from Nejd. The best,
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