Page 201 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 201
162 TRAVELS IN OMaN. [ch.
Expectations of reaching the Wahhabi Capital—Unexpected
obstacles—Lieutenant Whitelock — British Agent at Maskat—
Refusal to honour the Author's Bills—Munificence of the
Imam—Dangerous attack of Sickness —Compelled to return
to the Sea-coast — Maty — Date Groves — Obstinacy of the
Guides—Affecting incident—Temayel— Wadi Khor—Heat—
Fortitude of the Bedowins—Wahhabi irruption into Oman—
Presents of Persian Fruit—Gratef ul recollection of the Imam s
From what I had hitherto seen of the coun
try, and gathered from several Arabs and
Sheikhs who had repeatedly traversed the
road, I saw no reason to doubt but that I
should be able, after completing the investi
gation of the northern portion of Omdn, to
proceed on to Der’ayyah, the Wahhabi capi
tal ; and it was therefore arranged that,
while I occupied myself with filling up the
map of my route from Shr, Lieutenant
Whitelock should proceed to Maskat, in