Page 203 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 203


                                little moment, and I had already drawn,
                                when in Maskat, a considerable sum from

                                the agent. My surprise was, therefore,
                                very great to learn from Whitelock this

                                 morning that he had refused to honour my
                                 bills, unless they previously obtained the

                                 sanction of Acting Commander J. B. Aines,
                                 in charge of the Hon. Company's brig Pali-

                                 nurus, then lying in the harbour, who, I had
                                 been given to understand in Bombay, was

                                 also instructed to afford me every possible
                                 assistance, but who, from motives to me in­
                                 explicable, did not, in this case, think proper

                                 to concur.
                                    The several other merchants of Maskat,

                                 instigated, as I have reason to believe, by the
                                 former of these gentlemen, also declined to

                                 supply me with money. In this unpleasing
                                 and unlooked-for dilemma, I should have

                                 scarcely known how to proceed, had I not
                                 received by the same opportunity a commu­

                                 nication from the Im6.m, stating that, having
                                 accidentally learnt how I was situated, he

                                 had given orders for my accommodation to
                                 any extent, by drafts upon his own treasury.

                                 The opposition I had encountered in quarters
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