Page 365 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 365
at the bare supposition that the people of
Oman had ever been an offset of any one of
these—“ we approximate not to any sect, nor
does any sect approximate to us. How can
we be in alliance with those innovators who
oppose God’s religion ?”
In the true spirit of intolerance, he then
proceeds to denounce all those whose faith
differs from his own. “ We conclude such to
be devoted to ruin ; enemies of God ; infidels,
whose portion hereafter shall be in Gehenna
for ever. They deny the eternity of future
punishments ; they diminish the enormity of
sin ; we enhance it. The portion of the wicked
surely will be for ever, for God is great
Their doctrines content not our intelligent
ones ; away with it 1 away with it!”
The same writer mentions the existence of
a tradition that the Mussulmans were to be
divided into no less than seventy-three sects,
of which, in course, only one could be ortho
dox ; and hints the people of Oman is that
one, grounding his opinion on the sense of the
Arabic word which signifies “ escaping,”
as well as “ safe.” In fact, the great points
* From a MS. in the Authors possession.