Page 429 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 429
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incronao In tho services of tho British Overseas Airway*
Corporation but owing to sarvioe prioritios and the pref
erence glvon to long dlatanco traVQllorsj passages from
tho Persian Gulf wero difficult to obtain#
Ho final decision wa3 reached about a new
aorodrone at Bahraini and air officers commanding continued
to change with bowildorlng rapidity.
11. Knlforoo.
Lloutonont General Sir Arthur Snith, Gonoral
Officer Commanding In Chief Paiforco paid a visit to
Bushire in April on his way to Shiraz, Such problem* as
arose with Paiforco rrere rapidly and smoothly settled
with his assistance.
12. flaw.
Our relations with the Navy ronalnod as ex
cellent as sver, but the number of war ships suffered a
severe reduction.
12. Education.
Educational ectivity in Bahrain and Kuwait
were ouch hampered by tho failure of tha British Council
to provide a Director of Education, Tho Kuwait Government
opened a hostel in Cairo for their studonts. Several
Egyptian tendhors wore engaged by Kuwait and Bahrain, Tho
•indulging In propaganda by some of then suggests that the
action of the Egyptian Government in paying half their
salaries is not wholly alttuistio#
14# Comma
Th# end of tho war brought little reliof to
trade as few of the manifold res trio cions in force had boon
Hftod by the end of the yoar, and shipping space continued
to be scarce# Steamer communication In the Gulf was la#
adequate and irregular#
16# The Imperial Bank of Iran at Kuwait continued