Page 430 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 430
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to do ii flourishing business* The bueiness of tho nowly
opened brnnoh in Bahrain uhovod a stoady Incroaao and its
competition with tho long oatabllshed Ena torn Bank xma
beneficial to tradet and may have been the cause of tho
Americans not proaoedlng with the proposal to open' a branch
of the National City Bank at Dhahran* At the end of tho
year the Imperial Bank of Iran was considering the opening
of branches at Dubai and Muscat*
16* food rationing and price control measureo wore
enforced with success throughout the year In all tho
17. Despite tho fact that the Indian Pest Office at
Bahrain was making a nonthly profit of sonic Es* 9000/- staff9
accommodation and furniture were kept far bo low the standard
required for bare efficiencyi in fact, tho Bahrain Oil Company
volunteered to provide tho necessary furniture free of charget
on offer which was scarcely flattering to the Indian Postal
18* The number of boats that put out to tho pearl
banks was small but tho catch was good and high prices
19. Qroat pressure was brought to bear by the Bahrain
Oil Company to be allowed to undertake their own llghtorlng9
which would have been a very serious blow to Uessrs Gray
Kaokenslf* The latter firm had invited such action by their
general inefficiency but at the close of the year their
monopoly was still intact and some 1 Trove cent promised*
20* ypreiffn Interest*.,
The State Department appear to be attaching a
growing Importance to the United States Consular post at
Dhahrnn* It was raised to the statue of a Consulate during
the. year and the Consul9 • Informal Jurisdiction wae extended