Page 431 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 431

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          to ifuooat* Qatar and th* Truaial Coast*     Cordial relation*
          ware walntalnod between the Bahrain Agency and tho Consulates
          and In January the Consul accompanied tho Political Agent
          Bahrain* on a tour of tho Truolal Cbut*
          21, lium&o
                     The Gultan of Muscat arrived at Husoat froa

          Dhofar in Hay and remained there for the rest of tho year*
          The carious illness of the Inaa has given His Highness the
          opportunity of taking measures to fulfil his long cherished
          .mbition of re-establishing tho authority of his dynasty
          over tho hinterland. Ho has established contacts with

          several tribal Isadora of tho interior* and towards the end
          of the year requested tho assistance of Kis Hajesty1*
          Government in carrying out his plans*
                     His pleasure at tho receipt of the Q.C.I.Ii. was

         tarred by the description of hin by tho B.3.C. as an
          Indian Prince*
                     Tho runner.was ono of the utmost soverity and

          the plight of tho population of Bahrain was not inprovod
         by tho frequent failure of tho electric supply owing to
         deterioration cf the existing plant and tho difficulty of
         obtaining replacements*

                                           ' if

                                       Political Resident, Persian Gulf*
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