Page 436 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 436
onl/ to Tehran, instead of to the Ustandar, Shiraz, (who
had in his turn to refer them to the capital), In this
wqy when local schemes are proposed they o&ght in future
to receive sanction far quicker than before, and the
^frraandar should now find it easier to control the officials
serving under him. This reform has already led to a
considerable improvement in the local administration of
Justice. Formerly the local court was a Petty Court
(Dadgah-i-Bakhsh) every decision of which had to be refer
red for decision to Shiraz, whereas it has now become a
Court of First Instance (Qadgah-i-Shahristan) whidh can
decide and pass judgement on any case brought before it.
(a) Land. The main road to Shiraz, in spite of receiv
ing little attention from the Persian Road Department, was.,
up to the end of the year, in fairly *ood condition.
The main road between Sabzabad and Bushire town is
still in deplorable condition. The Road Department made
a half-hearted attempt to repair it in October, but the
earth with which they filled the worst pot-holes was wash
ed away by the first winter storm. During August,
September and October a-inumber of lorries travelling be
tween Burazjan and Shiraz were held up and robbed.
(bO Sea. Owing to the withdrawal from service in the
Gulf of the "R/tsang”* ”77oosang”, and "Tsinan”, the steamer
situation during the year became worse than ever, and on
the average only one slow mail steamer per month called at
.•'Bushire. A.I.O.C. tugs continued to assist in providing
a means of communication with Khorrarashahr.
(c) Air. The R.A.F. continued to maintain the Bushire
airfield. From the beginning of May Irantour planes
maintained a weekly service between Bushire and Tehran via
8hirai and Isfahan. These planes can carry four passeng
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