Page 439 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 439

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               (c) Tangistan.
                   All Tangistani (Chahpiri), Rais-i-Intigamat for
            Tangistan retained his firm hold over the whole of the
            Tangistan area,    In October he was successful in catch-
            ing the thieves who had committed a burglary in the house
            of the Executive Engineer, Bushire.     Rais All beat

            the three thieves implicated in the burglary so severe­
            ly that one of them died add the other two confessed
            where^the stolen property was hidden, which Rais All
            then proceeded to restore to this Consulate-General.

            As a result of such ruthless methods Rais All has
            succeeded in achieving a very high standard of security
            in Tangistan, which has always hitherto been notorious
            fpr its thieves and robbers.
               (d) Dgshtv.

                   This area remained in a lawless and disturbed
            condition throughout the year,
               (e) 3anadlr-i-Salas.
                   The Nasuri family have continued to maintain

            security in this area.     Their relations with this
           Consulate-General have remained very friendly.
               (f) Lingeh.
                   The Consular Agent continued to maintain friend­
           ly relations with the local officials, and, through

            the Reading Room, with the local public.
                   The conclusion of the war brought to an end the
           very useful work which the Consular Agent had previ­
           ously been performing $s censor of the W/f station at


                                  SECTION V.
                               PUBLIC RELATIONS

               (a) Relations with the Persians In both official
                                                          and • • • •
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