Page 438 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 438
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withdraw his troops, which ho did - at first to Gana-
wah, and later to Shiraz*
Fathullah Khan Hiat Daudi proceeded to Tehran
in August to complain to the Persian civil ana military
authorities at Mohammad Ali Liravi's unwarranted occu
pation of Hisar fort, and at the way in which the Officer
Commanding the Khuzistan column had sided with Mohammad
Ali. The only result of Fathullah Khan*s complaints
in Tehran were that another military detachment, this
time from Kazerun,was sent to occupy Ganawah, which is
the most important port in the Hiat Daud area, with
instructions to disarm the Hiat Daudis. The Khuzistan
column, which was still in occupation of Hisar^had
orders to carry out a parallel disarmament of the
adherents of Mohammad Ali Liravi, who, however, had
few arms to surrender. As a result Fathullah Khan not
only lost possession of his fort at Hisar, but was
deprived of over 80 rifles, and was put to much loss
by the exactions of a Sarwan (Captain) Urdubadi, who
was in command of the Kazerun detachment which carried
out the disarmament of the Hiat Daud - Rud Hilleh area.
At the end of the year the question of whether
Fathullah Khan was to be allowed to re-occupy Hisar
fort was still undecided. The Khuzistan column was
still in occupation of the fort but the Kazerun de
tachment had in November returned to Kazerun*
(b) Dashtlstan.
So great was the insecurity caused by feuds
between the leading factions of Burazjan that in Septem
ber a special detachment of the Persian army had to be
quartered in the town. Though the security had greatly
improved, the troops were still stationed in Bura^jan at
the end of the year.
(c) Tanglstan