Page 457 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 457
26. There have been few 3igns of Russian interest In Fars
although the Russian Assistant Military Attache paid a visit to
Shlrqz and two Russian agricultural experts spent some tine east
of Shiraz in the Jahrom - Fasa area. Reports have been received
that the Russians do not use expected channels, particularly the
small local Tudeh Party, to further their ends in Fars. They are
sold to be preparing Behbehan as a jur.pirg-off <7rour.d for future
activities and to have contacts with .’.'arrassar.iThe Mamassani
are conveniently near Behbehan and their re/.lations with the
other tribes and the character of their leader lend cclour to
these reports.
British Consulate,
1 February, 1946.