Page 461 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 461
21. l!r. a md Mrs.Uilsitor a rrived from Tehran on the
20th September and loft for Zuhidan on the 26th,
22, Colonel Barker, D.C.E,,Quetta, accompanied by Lt,
COlonol Forteccuo, C.R.E.Quetta, arrived by plane from Zkhi-
-dan on the 12th. October. The Former returned by plane to
Zahidan on the 14th October and the latter by truck.
23. Mr.Warren of the British and Foreign Bible Society,
India, arrived from India on the 10th October and left for
Isfahan on the 15th.
24* CSipt.Rawson, R.I.A.S.C., with an advance party of an
Indian leave convoy from Iraq arrived in Kerman from Isfahan
on the loth October and left the same day for Zahidan.
25. Major R.S.Davis, Officer Commanding the 31st Indian
A rmoured Division Leave Convoy consisting of 80Q men and
officers arrived from Yezd on the 14th October and left for
India the next da y.
26. Dr.R.E.M.Wheeler, Director General of Archaeology to
the Government of India, and party, arrived from Zahidan on the
29th November and left for Tehran the next day.
27th. Air Commodore the Honfble W.L.Runciman, A.F.C., Air
Atta che to H.U.Embassy, Tehran, arrived in Kerman by Anson
a ircraft on the 6th December and left for Zahidan the next day.
28. Chpt.Munroe, Salvage Officer, arrived in Kerman from
Zahidan on the 5th December and returned on the 7th.
29. Ca pt.Bea rd, A.G.E.,Zahidan, arrived from Zahidan on
the 5th December and returned on the 11th.
(b) Foreign Visitors.
The following foreign nationals passed through Kerman
during the year:-
America ns 6 Poles 2
Russia ns 8 Danes 2
Italians 2 Yugoslavs 1
On of the Polish visitors was Mme.Tolatyska, wife of
the Polish Consul, Kabul. Amongst the Russians was the Russian
Consul General, Meshed, with three members of his staff. The
A mericans were all of the Military a nd Financial Missions in
Ira n.
(a) Trade. There was practically no trade throu&h-
-out the year owing to war restrictions and lack of transport.
(b) The Argio-Iranlan Oil Company.
Mr.U.A.Iranpur, the Kerman District Manager of
the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, remained in charge throughout
the year*
The price of petrol and kcrosine remained more
or loss constant at?'. Rials 53/- for korosino end Rials 76/-
for potrol during the year* Gas and oils rcro slightly
increased in tli prico after 15th July. About tho middle of the
yea r transport cf fuol was ccr.:"hat handicapped tut in spite
of this no stock shortages* of ary produce was experienced any-
-whore in the Kerman district including the sub-agencies at