Page 465 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 465

           ppf.rn, The opium crop was not bolow normal but tho
           Fxi:.u:co Department wore able to colloct only 4,600 kilos
           during tho year which wa3 6000 fcilo3 less than tho amount
           colloctcd tho previous year. It i3 said that this was duo
           to tho visits of a succossion of Inspectors sent from Tehran
           to a3SC53 the opiun crop, taking their *ralco off*. Tho Gov-
           -erncent purchased puro opium from cultivators at Tomans
           1000/- per 3 kilos and after adulterating it sold it to the
           public at Tomans 2000/- per 3 kilos.
                       All pistachio trees word sevoroly damaged by the
           frost and groat loss was suffered by cultivators. The price
           of pistachios roso from Rials 60/-£er maund to Rials 280/-
           at which level it remained more or less throughout tho year.
                       Over 90# of the entire fruit crop was also damaged
           from the same cause.

           Locusts.    Between March and June large swarms of locusts were
           reported to have settled in Rudbar,Jiruft, Baft, Narmshir, Bam
           and other wa rm areas in which hoppers appeared later. The
           anti-locust unit stationed at Bandar Abbas took necessary meas­
           ures to combat it and Aqai Faslulah Banrani, the Ustandar,
           appealed to all landowners affected to cooperate in destroying
           tho hoppers a nd the summer crop was effectively saved from
           damage from this cause.

                (e) Education Department.
                        Dr.Huzaffar Eaqai was Director of Education,Kerman,
           from Janua ry until the 16th July when he proceeded to Tehran
           on leave. Aqai Ahmad Ahra □, who since April had been sent by
           the Ministry of Education to inspect the work of the Department
           in the 6th Ustan, officiated ir. his absence until the 25th Sep-
           -tember when he was recalled to Tehran ar.d relieved by Aqai
           ?-~.zzz£:xzz-:~:± Ali Kaqi Eahnauyar. On the 22nd October Aqai
           Rehear Ka sruwi a rrived from Tehran in the capacity of Head of
           the Education a nd \7aqf Department and held charge of the appoint-
           -ceat until the end of the year.
                         Khilst Dr,Eaqai was directing the affairs of the
           Education Department he had serious differences with Aqai Afzal
           Rochi (brother of Aqai Ataulla h Rochi, deputy for Kerman) whom
           he a ccuscd of mismanagement of Kaqf properties and of not co-
           -operating with him. Aqai Roohi was suspended as a result, by
           Aqai Ahram, but was reinstated shortly after through the in-
           -flucnce of his brother the deputy. Dr.Eaqai was then recalled
           to Tehran and finally retired from, the service of the Department
           in September.

                          In addition to the six primary schools established
           last year in the province ton additional primary schools were
           opened in Bam, Sirjan, Zerend, Bandar Abbas and Rafsinjan.
                          Of 10,274 boys and girls in the Primary and Sec­
           ondary schools of tho Ustan 452S are in Kerman., and suburbs.
           In the entire Ustan there are now 34 Night Schools with 54
           classes of which 11 are in Kerman. Tho total number of students
           attending these classes la-1010 of whoa 3S1 are in Kerman.

                          During the year a Teachers* Training School to
           instruct pupils up to tho 4th Primary Class was opened at Baa
           and Eandar A bbas. Tho young and ircr.n who pass cut ore
           scat to outlying villages ar.d tc'as. The former Kerman Frinary
           Ecrma 1 S chcol has been converted into a bearding schcol and
           accomodates 53. studonts.
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