Page 468 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 468

                       (1)    Oop^rrorlo.
                                Sa rhang Khadiwi was Officer Commanding Gon-
                 -da merle, Kern an, until tho 18th June when Sarhang Haasan
                 Goodarzi took over charge from him.
                                Until Kay the Gendarmerie district of tho 8th
                 Usta n included regiments posted at Khwash and Zabul. In
                 June Tehran issuod instructions that owing to tho great dis-
                 -tance from Kerman of the posts they were in future to ba
                 undor tho independent control of soparate conmiandors directly
                 responsible to Tehran. The post of Officer Commanding Gen-
                 -darmerie, Qth Ustan, was accordingly abolished.

                                Sa rhang Khadiwi, was regarded as a thoroughly
                 corrupt official and his departure was not regretted.
                               Sarhang Goodarzi accompanied the G.O.C. several,
                 times to Sirjan during the operations against Murad All Murad
                 in the middle of the year and since his appointment relations
                 between the Military authorities and the Gendarmerie appear to
                 have improved somewhat. Ho is an extreme ;y cooperative and
                 friendly officer.
                      (n)      ICiurshld Mills.
                               The Khurshid Spinning Mills were able to obtain
                adequate supplies of cotton during the year. But as the two
                power-generating motors of the mills have been out of coimiss-
                 -ion for some time for want of spare parts etc. of 4234 spin-
                -dles 1664 were idle and the local Electric Supply Company
                wore unable to give them all the current they needed. Apart
                from cotton spinning, the Mills are producing certain kinds
                of hand-woven cloth for which there is an increasing demand.
                Foriteriy large quantities of hand-woven cloth, were imported
                from Tend but tho Khurshid Liills are mow confident of being
                a bie to meet the entire demand themselves. The management
                alre prying to obtain from America cotton ana woollen weaving,
                spinning a ni dyeing machinery which they expect will be ob-
                -tainable in 1937/
                                The Company has 48,438 shares of Rials 600/-
                each. The present value of each share fluctuates between
                Rials 1,200/- a Rd Rials 1,300/-. It is expected that divi­
                dends when declared will not b8 less than 30#.
                        (a)    Transport.
                                Chptain J.W.Wilson was Divisional Manager of
                the Edareh Barbari Rah, Kerman, from Jan ary until the 11th
                July when he was recalled to Tehran for other duties. He
                was relieved by Aqai Shabdiz. who was sent down to close the
                office a month later.
                               In July all I.O.Pool trucks were ordered to
                return to Tehran and wer6 sold by public auction in August.
               At the same time all previously contracted E.B.R. trucks were
               free to operate on their own with freight price control;,
               leaving merchants to make their own arrangements with any
               available transport. Tho E.B.R. continued, however, to
               control and distribute ai i tyres to individual truck owners
               on a ten/kilemeter basis at fixed prices*

                                gar tip All Ashkar Sha’ri the General Officer
               C&asandlng the 7th Division, Kerman, held charge from January
               until August w hen he was suspended on chargos.of peculation
               and recalled to Tohran on the 23th August 1945. Sarhang
               Saiyid Acioosv.ncd charge cs G.O.C. cn the 11th September
               and remained in this appointment until tho end of the year.
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