Page 473 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 473
Tho following a ro tho year’s total undertakings .and
collections for Rafsinjan,Bara,Sirjan,Mahan, Sabzwaran,
Zerend, Mashiz, Tahrood and Kavir:>*
undertakings Cbllectlons.
Wheat Barley Y/heat Barley
Kilos• Kilos. Kilos. Kilos.
32479 ia 661532 2831613* 57062a
Balance to be collected.
Yfheat. 416302 kilos. Barley. 90706 kilo3.
The bread made in government bakeries which sold
at approximately Rials 3.50 per kilo very often contained
less that 50$S of wheat and only the very poorest elements
of the population consumed it. Free bakeries flourished
and charged Rials 7/- per kilo.
The distribution of tea and sugar was invariably
made several months late - the outlying districts receiving
only a fraction of their quota. In fact reports, confirmed
by an independent source, stated that the Head of the local
Kharbar Department sold 60 bags of sugar and 5 cases of tea
in Sirjan at black market rates. Throughout the year no
cloth was distributed to coupon holders.
Owing to a long standing framp* between local,
officials and merchants large quantities of Tghee* were
helrg exported to other provinces and the local price fluct
uated between Rials 270/- and Rials 360/- per 3 kilos for
the greater part of the year.
For several months in the middle of the year the
price of rice rose steeply fren Rials 38/- to Rials 60/-
per 3 kilos and the prices of most foodstuffs and consumer
goods remained at inflation levels throughout the year.
There has been no appreciable difference in prices
since the cessation of hostilities in Europe and the Far Bast.
The price of firewood and charcoal stood at Rials
450/- per kharva r in the last three months of the year.
Throughout the year relations both official and
social, of local officials, military authorities and notables
with this Consulate continued to be most cordial. The hope
wa s often expressed by macy Persians that the freedom of
social intercourse with foreigners, re-born during this War,
will not be denied to them in the years to follow.
The la st vestiges of pro-German sympathies dis
appeared during the year and V.B.Day was celebrated with
remarkable vigour by all, and brought warm-hearted and sin-
-core congra tulations from the Governor General and most
of the lea ding citizens of the town. V.J.Day was also an
occasion for rejoicing in which tho military authoritios
took a leading pa rt. The celebrations were not unmised with
the hope of trade revival and years of peace and plenty*
The Russian Consul General for Hoshed accompanied
by 3 members of his staff passed through Korean in Juno.
They reamed a round tho town talu’ng photographs* tried to
locato the site of tho old Russian Consulate* asked about