Page 476 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 476

                In tho sa me nonth armed robbers looted the occupants of a
                ca r noa r Abdulmalik - about 12 alios from Yezd cn tho
                main Kerma n road a nd seriously injured one of then. In
                a cla sh between the Gendarmerie and bandits near ilehriz.
                one robber was shot dead and 2 others who woro wounded
                escaped,  In November bandits attacked a caravan on the
                Ba fq road and got a wa y with most of thoir loot. Throe
                lorries loaded with sugar and tea were robbeii by bandits
                on the Yezd-Shir&z road 53 miles from Yezd in December
                and the loot was carried away into tho interior. Only a
                few bags were recovered by the genda rmerie and the road
                wa s considered unsa fe in December#
                VT. ECorwoMio;

                      Conditions were much the same as in Kerman. In August,
                the local Kharbar D epa r^ment announced that there was no
                further need for government bakeries and recommenced that 90
                tons of wheat a nd 480 tons of barley held in their »ambars*
                should be sold by public auction. By November no purchasers
                had come forward for the barley. When the Azerbaijan trouble
                wa s at its height a n artificia 1 scarcity of wheat was cre-
                -a ted by leading mercha nts who hoarded the bulk of their
                stocks. Under the pretence of solicitude for the poor, who
                were in serious difficulties owing to this development, the
                koa rders themselves conferred with the Farmandar and after
                prolonged, discussions decided to a ppeal to Tehran to in­
                struct Isfahan to end Yezd 1C00 tons of wheat immediately,
                tfea nwhile the public were receiving bread from the barley
                which the Kharbar Department ware unable to sell.
                      Tea was distributed at very irregular-intervals and
                suga r supplies for Yezd and district were 9 months overdue at
                tho end o*f the year. No cloth had been distributed throughout
                the year#

                      V.hen government control of cotton was lifted the price
                of cotton yearn rose from Rials 450/- to Rials 520/- per bun-
                -dle of 10 lbs.
                      Prices of most consumer goods and foodstuffs had risen
               at the end of the year by about 20$ over prices prevailing
                ea rlier#

               VII. LOCAL POLITICS.
                      As the result of alleged discrimination in Yezd, by the
               late Farmandar Sadri, in selecting an Electoral Committee for
               the Provincia 1 Council, he was recalled to Tehran and replaced
               by Aqai Ismail Baha dur who is reported to be distinctly pro-
               E ussian#
                      In January, the Tudeh Party in Yezd under the leadership
               of A bbas Ustadan, a local lawyer, increased its activities
               and, under pressure from him, the owners of the Durakshan and
               Herat! ilills were compelled to sanction a temporary increase
               of 2in the wa ges of their workers and to reduce the hours
               of working from 12 to 10 daily. The management of the Iqbal
               Hills did not, however, a ccedeu to these daoands# On the 6th
               Ja nuary Ustahan ordered the workers of all three mills to
               cca se work and thoy closed down# The following day an anti—
               -Tudch .party associa ted with Dr.Tahiri, the deputy, broke into
               tho premises of the Tudoh and sot it ablaze# Ustadan who es-
               —ca ped was atta eked later on and badly manhandled and ho left

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