Page 472 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 472
by a gang of armed Baluchis on the 24th November and goods
a nd money valued at about tomans 18,000/- wore carried
14. Ima m All, a notorious bandit of the Korman area
was reported to hare boon killed in November by riflemen of
Bahadur ul Uulk a t Bard3lr.
15* In Docomber, Jamshid the son of Shamshir (known as
Da h Tir) the leader of a band of Buchakchis, was caught by
tho military authorities near Mashiz. with one of his follow-
-ers. Allahyar who was with them was killed in trying to
16* In November an Iranian soldier named Hanuchir died
from knife wounds inflicted on him in Kerman by two members
of the Agricultural Department named Khalaqi and Zand. The
former was aTcqtuitted and the latter was sentenced to death
by the local High Court.
' Roalds.. The road between Kerman and Zakidan was
in good repair by the Royal Engineers up to the
|* a fter which it was formally handed back to
■>vernrsent. All other reads, especially the
tbbas section, are in a deplorable state and
blc after rain. Great shortage of funds has
>a d Department from effecting any but tempo-
v»n r=tndiP-* C-rcv.r.d. The primary rurrray of
iag ground with an overall length of 2540
in surface was completed fin October and has
.British, American and Iranian civil and r.ili-
ities. The landing ground with all its adjacent
Itc. wero formally handed ever to the Iranian
a uthorities on the 9th December.
(c) A small but powerful 17/T station was ejected
in the Bagh-i-Ha seriyeh in ITarch by engineers of the American
Army for the exclusive use of the Iranian military authorities
to facilitate quicker communication with Tehran and Isfahan.
(d) The Kerman wireless station worked with Jask
a t irregula r intervals during the year.
Excellent and well distributed rainfall occurred in
the province during the first two months of the year which
assured a good grain harvest, but ii late frost caused a
certain amount of damage to the crops. The looal Finance
Department decided in Day that as government funbars1 were
overstocked with barley from the previous yearfs harvest no
Undertakings for this grain would be necessary during the
year. Also surplus stocks of wheat held in 1ambars1 in
outlying and fa r distant areas, which, for lack of funds,
could not be tra nsported to Kerman central fambarsf, were
sold at the sites in large quantities by public auction.
The reason for this prodigality was that the present year1*
grain harvest ra s sufficient to meet tho needs of the pro
vince until tho nert harvest. Conditions of undertakings
fer vhea t colloctica rcro greatly relaxed and assessments
were lonient and favourable to cultivators. In July it was
found that the barley requirements for the year had been
seriously underestimated and to correct this tho Control
Biorbor in Tehran reversed their earlier docicicn not to
obtain undertakings for barley. Tho crop hemover tad
a lrerfv been harvested ami removed 17 cultivators end as
a lvCiUt rrca t confusion and difficj’.C;* waa experienced
in cr'i.Ioc^-'.rp the fcrricy rblch fell cl: rt of tot cl rcruiro-
-ncr/cc. -----•- •