Page 471 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 471

            that about CO m/les from Dch Sheikh Jawad Sahib Ikhtiary,
            tho Financial Agent, Baft, and others including one gon-
            -darno, wore held up by Furs* robbers. In the engagement
            which followod ono of the bandits was kille.d and two cap-
            -tured, together with a largo number of sheep, which they
            had recently stolen*
            5,       On the 23rd May a gang of about 25 armed robbers
            attacked Shabjereh, a village near Zerend, containing about
            2,500 inhabitants. They looted as much cash and valuables
            as they wore a ble to carry away. One of the gang was wound-
            -ed by gendarmes , who pursued them, and brought into Kerman.
            6.       At the end of May about 45l robbers attacked Soorghan,
            21 miles from Daulatabad near Oorzieh and decaDped with
            valuables. They also kidnapped 3 women and a child as host-
            -ages. The gendarmes, in the pursuit.-; which foil owed, kill-
            -ed 6. of the robbers and rescued the hostages.

            7.       Mohammad Hassan Afshar (Khabri) a notorious robber of
            the Baft area was granted an amnesty 3 years ago by the Gov-
            -ernment and ordered to ccme into Kerman, He failed to do so
            at the time but in June he tried to enter the town unobtrus­
            ively to make priva te purchases. The Military authorities
            came to knew of his presence in the town and arrested and im-
            -prisoned him. It was reported that the G.O.C. later accept­
            ed Rials 100,000/- from the four brothers of Afshar in return
            for his release.
            8.        Marsha lal Khani, who for some time had been respon­
            sible for several armed robberies and murders in the outlying
            villages cf Kerman was caught by the military authorities and
            sentenced to dea th. He was hanged cn the 5th July and 5 of
            his accomplices received various terms of rigorous imprison-

            9.        On the 21st August Dr.Naioi, a relation of Naim-ul-
            Kulk, a deputy of the Majlis, was murdered in Bam by four men
            in Baluch dress. Two of the. alleged assailants were arrested.
            0 ne of them was Aqai Rafii, son. of the deputy for Baa. The
            wife 'of the deceased, a daughter of Syed Nizam, who is a
            wealthy landlord of Bam, originally promised to marry Rafii1s
            son and the Jea lousies aroused culminated in the murder. The
            case? was still under hearing at the end of the year.
            10.       Ghulam Abbas Zadeh and his son Panj All who were
            responsible for numerous armed robberies in the outlying
            districts of Kerman were captured in September by Capt.
            Mlrhussaini, a military officer, about 60 miles from Kerman.
            Eight rifles in their possession were confiscated and they
            were put up for trial in a military court.
            11.      On the 5th October in his residence near Darwaze
            Na siriyeh, Fa rlboze Nasi ml, a Zorastrian of Yezd, was
            rudely awakened by two masked robbers armed with swords who
           demanded his money. They had come to know that he had real­
            ised Rials 40,000/- a few days before from the sale of his
           fa rm products. 0 n being given Rials 3,000/- they severely
           ma ltreated him and decamped with the household silver
            the victim's clothes.
           12.       In November, some local butchers on their way to
           Zorend to buy sheep were attacked by robbers and relieved
           of tomans 10,000/-.
           13.       A carava n on Bardsir-Nigar road was held up by

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