Page 475 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 475


                              Bi rem,
          u     (Tbnsular Sub-Off lco_.
                   Mr Ua qbul Rahnan nas Clerk in Charge of the Yezd
          ConsularMSub-oqffice from the beginning of the year until
          30th September when Ur.Abdur Rahman took over from him and
          Irsld charge until the end of the year.
           II.   VISITORS.
                   During the year 62 British sub ects, 11 Indians, 15
          Americans, 5 Russians, 2 Poles-, 4 Swiss and 2 German Jews
          passed through Yezd.
          IILl   fraiTISH INTERESTS.
                   Ur.Abdul Rahim Kotal held charge of the A.I.O.C.Depot
          during the year together with its sub-branches at Ardikan
          a nd Taft.
           IW. LOCAL GO VgR?R.nSNT.

                   Aqai Ahisad Sadri held change of the post of Farmandar
           throughout the year.
                   Ee owed his position entirely to the support of Dr.
          Tshiri, a da puty for Ye2d,       He is a most unpopular and cor-
          -eupt official with a strong anti-British bias and in August
          went so far a s to instruct government officials to avoid
          association with members of the Consular Sub-Office.
                   A new municipal octroi tax of Rials 2/- and^.60/-
          wa s imposed, on tea and sugar respectively on the 2ord
          Cotobcr fcr the improvement of roads and sanitation both of
          which continue to be neglected.
                   Ilo important changes occurred during the year.

                   It wa s reports^ that, under Russian pressure S arhang
          Yukhtari, C hief of Police, Isfahan, accompanied by the Chief
          of the Investigation Department, Isfahan, visited Yezd in
          Kovember to enquire into the causes which led to the burning of
          the Tudeh premises in Yezd. The Farmandar told them that it
          was merely a flare up between opposing factions in Yezd and
          that it ha d no political backgroung.
                   Naib Sarhang Jafar Khan Sharifi, the Chief of Police
          was suddenly recalled to Tehran on the 5th January and Captain
          Sharifi wa s May to take charge, to the great relief
          o f the population.
                   Ca ptain Bzadi was Officer Commanding the Gendarmes.
                   In Ma y, several cases of lawlessness occurred, part-
          ticularly in the south and south western parts of Yezd district
          where raiding gangs were holding up travellers. They extended
          their operations to the close proximity of the town Itself
          burglaries increased to an ala rning extend later. Invostiga-
          tlcns shewed that in some cases the gendarmes themselves ware
          committing burglaries and that they wore hand in glove with
          t c*.r^ ®crs. In August four automobiles were hold up near
                  .roicc?*s arCGd Erno rifles and the passongers were
          relieved of about Comans 10,000/-. In September arced bandits
                      Pas2c2Scr lorry near Shahr-i-Ba bak but as tbo only
          vinee?          ^ failed to function they were overpowered by the
          pa.ser.3ers and broucht into Yezd and banded over to the police.
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