Page 466 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 466

(f) Agricultural p*nk.
                                      Aqai Syod Jawad Uoinzadeh hold tho post of
                     Manager of the Agricultural Bank, Kerman, throughout the year.
                                      During the year a sum of one million rials
                     was loaned to landowners and cultivators to help them build
                     •qanats* and to purchase agricultural equipment etc.      The
                     major portion of the money loaned was given to landowners of
                     Bam and the remainder to the Khawanin-i-Ibrahimi, Kerman.
                                      The rate of interest was 6# in addition to
                     4^#. known a s »karmuzd».
                                     Owing to financial stringency the amount
                     placed at the disposal of the Bank was far short of the needs
                     of agriculturists many of whose requests for loans had to be
                           («)     Department of Justice.
                                      Aqai Suleiman Zia* Ibrahimi officiated as
                     Chief Judge of the Court of Justice as well as Chief Judge of
                     the Court of Appeal until the 21st September after which he
                     was relieved by Aqai Akhgar who held the post until the end of
                     the year.
                                      Aqai All Akbar Tawakuli was the Public Pro-
                     -secutor in the Court of Appeal from January until tue 22nd
                     October when he proceeded on leave to Tehran. A.qai Kkwaja
                     Na siri officiated until the end of the year.

                                      Aqai Imad lfansuri officiated as Chief Judge
                    of the Court of First Instance until the 13th December after
                    Which Aqai Ja lali relieved him until the end of the year.
                             ,        Aqai Qawami was Public Prosecutor in the
                    Churt otfFirst Instance frcn the beginning of the year until
                    the 22na December a fter which Aqai Forugh took charge until
                    the end of the year.
                           oo       Police.
                                      CAptain Hisfcmati acted as Chief of Police
                    from the beginning of the year until the 24th September when
                    Sa rhang Hornoz Givian took over from him and held charge
                    until the end of the year. Captain Hishmati though quite a
                    Junior officer discharged his duties conscientiously in the
                    face of many difficulties. He was cooperative and friendly
                    with this Consulate.

                                       Sahhang Givian, formerly a military officer,
                    was transferred to the Police. Department in Tehran before his
                    a ppointment in Kerman. Ho has not shotm any outstanding
                    qualities so far but is helpful and friendly.
                                       Ith December the local police force was aug-
                    -mented by 40 new members recruited locally.

                                       Iho system of registering the names of all
                    persons entering and leaving the town was reintroduced during
                    the year*
                          w      Pftgtfi and ToXcPr&Ehi*

                    _ ,     .         Aqai Ahrtad 8ndrl, Director of Posts and
                   •Telegraphs, remained in cha rge up to tho 23rd April whon he
                   proceeded on leave to Tehran. Eia relief, Aqai Kustafn
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