Page 460 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 460

AttGcho for Indian Affairs, British Embassy, Tehran,arrivod
               from Tehran on the 9th January and left for Zahidan on the

               2.       Mr.Clough of the publications Dopartment New Delhi
               arrived from Zahidan on the 29th March and left for Tehran
               on the 51st.
               3.       CApt.D.G.Thornburgh, H.M.Consul, Zahidan, arrived
               in Kerman on the 1st May and returned to Zahidan on the 5th.

               4.       Mr.T.E.Rogers, I.C.S • i  H.M.Consul, Bushire, arrived
               in Kerman on the 18th May and left for India on the 22nd.
               5.       Cbl.Fortescue, H.E., a rrived in Kerman on the 20th
               May and left for Zahidan the next day.
               6.       Lt.Squa rey of the Anti-Locust Unit arrived from
               Bandar Abbas on the 23rd May and loft the following day.

               7.       Mr. a nd Mrs. Gurney of the C.M.S. a rrived in Ker-
               -man on the 6th June and left for Isfahan on the 11th.
              Q.        Major M.Hassan, arrived from Zahidan on the 3rd
              June a nd left for Tehran on the 9th.
              9.        Miss Henn of he C.M.S. arrived from Isfahan on the
              9th June and left for Isfahan on the 31st.

              10.       Mr.Knowles, engineer of the Khoonji Mills, Bandar
              A bbas, arrived on the 12th July and returned to Bandar Ab-
              -bas on the 15th July.
              11.       Bishop Thompson arrived from Isfahan on the 7th July
              a nd returned to Isfahan on the 15th.
              12.       Ma jor McCoy of the India n Long Range Squadron arriv-
              -ed from Zahida n on the 1st August a nd returned to Zahidan
              on the 8th.
              13.      Dr,Miss Howgato of the C.M.S. arrived from Isfahan on
              the 5th August and returned on the 12th.
              14.      Lt,Colonel Fortescue, C.R.E., Quetta, arrived from
              Zahidan on the 8th August and left for Zahidan on the 10th.
              15.      Cdpt.tfaugh of the India n Long Range Squadron arrived
              from Zahidan via Ravar on the 8th August and left for Zahidan
              on the 10th.
              16.      llr.R.H.Hadow, H.M.Consul, Bandar Abbas, arrived on
              the 9th August a nd left for India on the 17th September.
             17.       OApt.Ka ugham of the Cereals Collection Department,
             Tehran, arrived from Zabul on the 28th August and left for
             Tehra n on the 31st.
             18.       Cdpt.Eha n, R.E^, a rrived in Kerman from Zahidan on
             the 28th August and returned on the 31st.

             19.       Capt.Fitzgerald of the Indian Long Range Squadron
             a rrived from Zahidan on the 15th September and returned on
             the 17th.
             20        CApt.Ha worth, Explosives Expert, arrived froa Zahidan
             on the 15th September and left on the 17tn.

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