Page 483 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 483

         C 0_>N_F_I-D-E_N—T__I__A_L

                      POT.TTTOaL AGENCY FOR THE YEAR 19^5.

         hold chargf up°to-thf       April| ’whence p^oceed^to
         leave. , His place was taken by Major M.P. O'C Tandy of the Indian
         political Service who held charge until the end of the year.

             (b) Assistant Surgeon C.2. Ilynes I.M.D., held charge of che
         Government dispensary and performed the duties of Quarantine _..edic
         Officer throughout the year.
             (a) For a man of sixty with a weak heart His Highness Shaikh
         3ir Ahmed al Jabir As-Subah E.C.3.I., K.C.I.E., maintained remark-
         ebly good health throughout the year. This vras probably due to
         his habits of moderation in diet, of avoidance of exertion, of
         implicit obedience to the American Mission doctors who visit him
         tv/ice weekly, and of keeping a loaded revolver to hand even in the
         privacy of his harem. He remained in Kuwait throughout the year
         excent for the periodical pogroms of bustard which were committed as
         usual during the winter months. He did however during the summer
         proclaim his intention of visiting India in September for optical
         and dental treatment, and this proposal may have been a ballon
         d'essai to detect any tendency on the part of Government to accord
         him a reception on the lines of those given to other Arab-rulers in
         the United Kingdom and elsevrhere.     '.•hen no trece of any such tend- was apparent the proposal was allowed to drop, tut a similar
         ballon may well be released in 1946.
             His Highness celebrated the 25th anniversary (by Muslim reckon­
         ing) of his accession on the 23rd February and was suitably felicit­
         ated by all communities, although the Government of India took no
         special steps to mark the occasion.      By our calendar the 2oth
         anniversary of His Highness' accession will fall on the 24th of
         March, 1946.
              (b)   Shaikh Abdullah Salim C.I.E., continued to administer the
         Revenue end Supply Departments with a degree of competence and
         probity hitherto unsuspected, and to punctuate his spells of duty
         vdth frequent (and apparently innocent) visits to his island haunt
         of Failecha.    He led the exodus to the Levant caused by the untimely
         advent of Ramadhan in August and September and gave rise to not a
         little scandal by passing the sacred month congenially in the red-
         light quarter of Damascus.
              (c)   Shaikh Abdullah Mubarak C.I.S •»   continued to supervise
         the Department of Public Security with ruthlessness and energy in
         no way diminished by his increasing weight - now in excess of 20
         stone. He remains more pro-Shaikh than the Shaikh and more pro-
         British than the British. The result of his efforts has been an
         astounding degree of security throughout the town and state of
         Kuwait. He visited the Levant between 31st July and 6th September
         &nd returned from his first journey abroad convinced that there ia
         no place like home.
              (d) Shaikh Abdullah al Jabir remained Chief/Justice and
          director of Education in which posts he discharged his duties       loyally
          and efficiently. He visited Bombay in the Spring, partly for
          optical treatment and partly in the hope of finding an easier cure
          jor his hereditary disorder than the repeated and painful Salvarsan
          injections pr^pribed by the Mission doctors in Kuwait. in thin he
         v;as unsuccessful.
                                                     le) Shaikh Abdulla al Ahmad
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