Page 488 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 488


               IX ROYAL NAVY
                   The following ships of the Royal Navy and the Royal Indian Navy
               visited Kuwait during the year:-

                   H.M.I.3. "Investigator"                   l^th February.
                   H.M.S. "Seabelle"                         9th Novonber.
                   H.M.S. "Shoreham"                         31st December.
               ROYAL AIR FORCE.
                   The R.A.F continued to maintain their signal detachment, Aerial
               navigation beacon, and Rest-house throughout the year, and further in­
               creased their detachment by stationing two seaplane tenders and 25 men
               at Shuwaikh.
               I. KUV.’AIT OIL COMPANY
                   At the commencement of the year the company was still wording on
               a shut-dov/n basis, but during the first quarter of 1945 work was begun
               on a hydrographic survey and the testing of proposed sites for loading
               tankers.  Late in March the Company was authorised to begin vrork on
               the 30,000 barrels per day crude oil export scheme,   Two oraokish
               nater wells at a point about 20 miles V/.N.W. of Burgan were sun^, and
               ca their completion work was started on the v/ell reconditioning pro­
               gramme. A party from the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company’s Pipe-line
               Construction Department began to arrive in October and their work has
               progressed satisfactorily up to the end of the year.
                   A contract for the construction of tankage was placed with the
              Yctherwell Bridge & Engineering Company who commenced their work in
               the beginning of November and have rmtde fair progress.

                   At the year's end the Company's personnel strength amounted to:-
                                Senior staff         79.
                                Junior Staff         68.
                                Foreign Artisans     55.
                                Labour              894.
                   In addition approximately 307 contract labourers were employed.
              The company hope to be able to export crude oil by Nay, 1946.
                   Sir Y/illiam Fraser, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the
              Anglo-Iranian Oil Company accompanied by Messrs E.H.O. Zlkingtcn and
              J.N. '..’ilson, directors, visited Kuwait on the 27th November.
              H. EASTERN GUL? OIL COMPANY.
                   The company's personnel and equipment were taken over by the
              Kuwait Oil Company on the 1st April, 1945.

              XII. IMPERIAL BANK 0? IRAN.
                   The bank had another satisfactory year and maintained the con­             I
              fidence of the public, as is shown b7 the increase in their private
              deposits during the year of about three and half million rupees.
              Only w one bad debt (of Rs.25,000) was sustained and it is unlikely
              that more than a fraction will be recovered. An unusual feature was
              vhe absence of demand for rupee coinage. Instead of these being
              withdrawn the bank’s holding of coin increased by about Rs.3,50,000.
              XHI. VISITORS.'
                  A considerable number of service personnel visited Kuwait during
              the year. Accomodation was provided either at the Agency or at the
              3.A.F. resh-house.

              3Z- METEOROLOGICAL
                  Total rainfall during the year              8.75 inches.
                  Maximum temperature (In September)           115°
                  Minimum temperature (In January)              38°
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