Page 490 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 490


              (a) Adviser to the Government,
                  Mr. C. Dalrymple Belgrave,      From 1st January
                             C • B. B.            to 6th September.
                  Mr. G.W.R. Smith                Prom 7th September
                                                 to 31st December
                                     (In addition to his own duties)
              (b) Director of Custons & Port Officer.
                  Mr. G.W.R. Smith                From 1st January
                                                  to 2nd May.

                                                  From 4th September
                                                  to 31st December.
                  Mr. C. Dalrymple Belgrave,      From 3rd May
                                 C. B. B.         to 3rd September.
                                        (In addition to his own duties)
              (c) State Engineer.

                  Group/Captain H.P.G. Leigh
              (d) State Medical Officer.
                  Dr. R.H.B. Snow                 From 1st January
                                                  to 2nd May.
                                                  From 26th October
                                                  to 31st December.
                  Dr. I.M.A. Doeg                From 3rd May
                                                  to 20th October.
                                       (In addition to her own duties)

              (e) State Lady Doctor.
                  Dr. I.M.A. Doeg.
             (f) Director of Education.
                 Mr. F.J. Wakelin                From 1st January
                                                 to 29th June.

                 Mr. K.M. Willey                 From 30th June
                                                 to 8th August.
                           Post Yacant           From 9th August
                                                 to 31st December.
             (g)’ Principal, Technical School.
                 Mr. G.E. Hutchings              From 1st January
                                                 to 19th May.
                 Mr. Said Tabbara                From 20th May
                                                 to 31st December.

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