Page 547 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 547
1, The most important event of the year has been the
transfer of the Residency from Bushire to Bahrain and the
separation of the functions of Political Resident. Persian
Quiff and Consul-Oeneralf Bushire. The transfer began in
May and was completed by the end of September*
2* In the middle of the year the activities of the
Tudeh party gave rise to serious disturbances in Khorramshahr
and strikes in Bushire. In September the tribes of the ooastal
belt around Bushire joined tho tribes of the hinterland in a
rising against tho Persian Government and took over control of
the whole of the Pars Province0 No attacks by tribesmen on
British subjects or British lntorosts uoro reported* By the
end of the yoar tribal intorest flagged and the rebel leaders
came to terns uith tho Central Qovornmonto who gradually re
established tholr authority in Bushlre and elsewhere* With
the establishment of tribal control in Buohlre9 the Tudeh party
there disappeared* In Khorramshahr by tho ond of the year its
open aotivitlos had ceased but it still existed underground*
3. POLITICAL msj&pjk
Bo casualties occurred amongst tho Rulers of the
Gulf States and oxcopt for a fen minor disturbances on tho
Truelal Coast all havo enjoyed poaco and a reasonable measure
of prosperity throughout tho year* In Bahrain and Kuwait both
of which enjoyed a substantial incoao from oil royalties a
start has boon made on important works of public utility in
spite of the shortage of materials* Thero is room for a great
deal of improvement in both placos* Tho Sultan of Muscat
spent most of th* year at his capital and left for Dhofar in
Deoamber* He is still Intent on his plans for unifying the
interior of Oman under his control as soon as the Imam who is
old and feeble dies*
4. fili.
The Kuwait Oil Company formally opened their oil
loading terminal at Fah ah 11 in June when the firat shipment
of oil was made* The Company have since then been in regular
produotlon and are expanding their activities rapidly*
In the latter half of the year the Shaikh of Kuwait
announced his intention of receiving bids for a Concession of
his share in the Neutral Zone. Several oil companies have
approached him with offersy but he has not yet arrived at any
decision. *•’
In Bahrain* the Bahrain Petroleum Company have continued
to expand and their production Increased to 26*000 barrels a day
by the end of the year. Exploration work within the additional
crea was resumed towards the end of the year and the drilling
of one structure hole was completed.
In April 1946* Petroleum Concessions* Limited, re
opened their Dukhan Camp in Qatar and plans have been made to
.... „ On to, Truclal Gout, Concessions, United.
Interior!1"1 °Ut * g,olo*lcal ,urT,Jr •lon« th« coast and in th*
In Muscat, P.trolaun Concaaalona, United, carrl.d out
a surra/ for «.t.r along th. Bating Coiat at thi r^Salt It