Page 549 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 549

                            3 jS C HjijT

                kJjJL I- ■ L I_SJOLA-t I J> J * .
                        nujuiite ;.:^d hl.’Teklahp.

           Section I British representation.
           (a) GENERAL.
                   During the year, the headquarters of the Political
           Resident in the Persian Gulf was transferred froir. Bushire
           to Bahrain. The transfer commenced in May with the
           departure of the Hon'ble Sir Geoffrey Prior, K.C.I.E.,
           and terminated in September when the Secretary and other
           staff of the Political Resident left Bushire. The post
           of Consul-General, Bushire has been vacant since Hay 1S46,
           while that of Vice Consul, Bushire has been vacant through­
           out the year-
            (b) PERSONNEL. Ill BJJHIRE.
                   Political Resident and H.U's Consul-General. The
           Hon'ble Sir Geoffrey Prior K.C.I.E., up to Mayrfth 1946.
                   Secretary to the Hon'ble Political Resident/, i.Ur.
           C.J. Felly         *. >  I.C.S., up to September 19th 1946,
            A< firrCu /c A
                   H.M's Consul, Bushire. Captain J.C.E. Bowen up
           to 8th March 1946 when he was succeeded by Major G.I.
                   Jnder Secretary to the llon'ble the Political
           Resident. lir. J.A. Croning up, to i.iay 9th 1946, C,
            to                             t*idMT
                   Consular Agent, lingah. Hr. D.J. Stephens, M.B.E. ,
           throughout the year.
                   Residency Surgeon.    Major a.L. Greonv/ay, H.B.3.,
           .uo to November 16th 1946, <c t>vrucJkji £            £ Jeux. ^u.
            khMi-d, -
                  V A
                   Assistant Residency Surgeon.'    Dr. R. Hasey through­
           out the year.
           Section II Foreign Representation.
            (a)  There have been no Foreign representatives appointed
           to Bushire but members of the American Embassy Tehran have
           visited i^ushire three times and the Russian Consul-General,
           Ahwaz has visited Bushire once.

           (b)  BRITISH INTERESTS.
                   Cable and wireless Coy.     Hr. T.J. Tobin has been
           in charge throughout the year.

                   Gray Mackenzie and Coy. Ltd.,  Mr. J, tfernandes has
           been in charge throughout the year.
                   Imperial Bank of Iran.
           M _ Ur* •*. Bruce took over from
           Hr. Crane in xxtxxx ix’the opring and was himself relieved
           by ur. G. Calver in ti:e autumn.
           Bushire^l'romSFebruary Ut^to             Falm0Uth Vislfced

                                                           /SECTION III
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