Page 548 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 548
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the Saltan of Muscat) and also sent a*representative to meet
the Sultan at Dhofar to discuss future operations In that
The British Council has not yet provided a Director
of Education for Bahralnt and as a result the Bahrain Govern
ment have found they oan carry on without a British director
and are now likely to refuse one If offered to them. They
have closed their hostel In Cairo and withdrawn their students
owing to the subversive Influences to which they were subjected
there. Education Is making rapid strides In Kuwait under an
Egyptian director.
The shipping position In the Oulf remained most
unsatisfactory throughout the year. The British India Steam
Navigation Company hope to add two fast new motor-boats to
their Oulf 8ervlce early in the new year, and it is hoped that
the situation will then Improve.
Thanks to the assistance of the Government of India
and the British Middle East Supply Mission the supply of
essential foodstuffs to the Gulf States has been well maintained
and there have been no serious shortages. Pood rationing and
price control measures are still enforced wherever possible.
Consumer goods In Increasing quantities are coming in from the
United 8tates of America and the United Kingdom.
The Imperial Bank of Iran has obtained an exclusive
concession to open a branch In Dubai. The branch was opened
for business on the 12th October,
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Political Resident, Persian Gulf.