Page 663 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 663

21 -
            R.A.F. personnel was 46. The R.A.F. Medical Officer has also
            *been withdrawn.
                       During the year surplus R.A.F. vehicles and stores
            were sold by British Stores Disposals Officers, who came 'down
            to Sharjah for the purpose.

                  (v) British Interests.
                       (a) Petroleum Development (Trucial Coast) Limited.
                           During the eer3y part of the year Petroleum
            Development.(Trucial Coast) Ltd. completed a geophysical
            survey of Sharjah and Ras al Khaimah territories. The
            geophysical party met with constant interference fror.i many
            tribes inhabiting these Sheikhdoms and the Political Officer
            and the Residency Agent were continually end actively exercised
            in promoting settlements between the tribes and their ruling
            Shaikhs, without which the company could not have proceeded
            with their work, lost of the interference arose from the
            Jawasici Shaikhs* parsimony towards ar.d lack of influence
            over the tribes inhabiting the territories for which they had
            giver, oil concessions. A geophysical survey of *-bu tfhabi
            was then begun end continued until the end of March when
            operations were concluded for the season. The survey party                       I
            left the Trucial Coast on the 1st April.* Cn the 11th October
            they returned tc Sharjah for the 1347 - 48 cool seasons
            operations. Geophysical and topographical surveys were started
            simultaneously in Abu Dhabi territory and that part of Buraimi
            which is under Abu Dhabi. \/crk in the latter area had been
            completed by the end of the year. The Company’s local
            representative did not succeed in obtaining permission frora^
            the chiefs of the Nai’ra and al-Bushmis tribes to do geophysical
            work in their territories. They put forward such unreasonable
            demands that his principals decided to dren the matter for
            the tire being. Work during the latter part of the year
            proceeded without any opposition or interference, by recalcitrant
            tribesmen or cor-.on robbers. The Shaikh of Abu Dhabi’s
            security for oil company personnel has been complete; and
            the party’s main problem has been one of transport. During
            thfe year under review Hr. K.L*. Jackson continued to represent
            Messrs. Petroleum Development (Trucial Coast) Limited. He
            visited most of the Trucial Coast towns and also Buraimi.
                       (b) Civil Aviation.

                           On the 10th January the last "C" Class Flying
            boat to fly on this route left Dubai. Since then r.O.A.C. have
            not used their bases in Dubai and Sharjah except as emergency
            landing areas. Vflreless and meteorological services have been
            maintained, and also catering services on a reduced scale.
            International Air ^adio took over the V7ireless installations
            towards the end of the year. A number of casual operators
            and through services used B.O.A.C's facilities; but, for
            passenger and freight space and for the carriage of calls,
            local residents have had to rely on the R.A.F. routine services
            to their station at Sharjah.
                           The following are particulars of aircraft which
            passed through Sharjah during the year 1947*
                           B.O.A.C. 18 •        Eastbound & Westbound
                           K.L.LI.      61           n      &     M
                           Other       113 *         n      &
                            (handled by B.O.A.C)
                           Following the ban imposed by the Government of
            India on the landing of Dutch aircraft in India, K.L.LI. aircraft
            used Sharjah as a staging post on the Batavia-Amsterdam route
                                                                            Z from
   658   659   660   661   662   663   664   665   666   667   668