Page 659 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 659

17 -
                           Late in the yeer the Air Ministry planned that
             the British Overseas Airways Corporation and the International
             Air Radio Corporation - a company formed by three British
             Airways Corporations, should take over the maintenance of
             the aerodrome by providing civil control and Airadio Staff.
             It is evident that the plan has been approved as the B.O.A.C.
             and the International Air Radio Corporation seem to be
             maintaining the aerodrome. Civil aircraft are continually
             calling at Bahrain,
             26. AMERICAN C0K3ULAT1-, DKAHRAN
                           In July Mr. </aldo E Belly, United States Consul,
             Dhahran, left for Jeuda to take up his new post as American
             Consul end .Second Secretary of the United States Legation
             J edd a.   Mr. I'eloy, the U.S. Vice-Consul, tfhahren took over
             27. VISITORS
                        (i) On the 24th April, Bis Excellency 7 onsieur
             Coste Floret, French Minister of Var, accompanied by General
             D.Astier De Villatte, Director of Military Cabinet, Captain
             Herve, Aide de Camp, and Mademoiselle Durand, Secretary,
             arrived in Bahrain by air enroute to Saigon. The party  were
             net at the aerodrome by the Mon1lie the Political Resident
             in the Persian Gulf and the Political Agent, Bahrein.
                      (ii) On the 10th May,,the U.S.3. "TOLEDO”, Commander
             Captain J.Detzer, Jr., anchored off Sitra. The Toledo is a
             heavy cruiser just commissioned with a complement of 64 officers
             and 1080 men. Captain Detzer called on the -on*ole the
             Political Resident, Persian Gulf, The Senior '•■c.vs.l Officer,
             Persian Gulf, the Political Agent,- ar.d the Ruler of Bahrain.
             On the 11th Admirals R.I. Connolly and Glover U.o.v., and
             their respective staffs arrive-.' at Bahrain. They were met
             by the Senior ’.’aval Officer, Persian Gulf, the Political
             Agent, and the Secretary to the Political Resident, Persian
             Gulf. They were entertained to a large Arab dinner party by
             the Shaikh the same evening.

                            Admiral Connolly flew his flag in the Toledo
             and calls were exchanged with him on the 12th. Both the
             Admirals, their staff, the Captain and the officers of the
             Toledo attended a cocktail party at the .Agency on the evening
             of the 12th.
                            The ’Toledo' left for Has Tanura on the 13th.
             This occasion was notable since, so far as is known, it was
             the first on which an American warship visited the Gulf;        no
             such display of American naval power has ever been seen in
             these waters.
                     (ill) In the latter part of June, M. Haider Mardam
             Bey, Minister of Syria in Jedda, accompanied by Ilashat Shaikh
             El Ard, visited Bahrain formally. He called on the Political
                      (iv) On the 27th August, Shaikh Ahmad bin Jabir As
             Subah, K.G.S.I  • >  X.C.I.E • j  Ruler of Kuwait, accompanied by
             two of his sons, his Secretary Abdullah A1 Mulla, Abdur
             Rahman bin Bahar, a Kuwaiti merchant, arrived aboard M.S.
             "DV/ARKA" en route to India. He landed at the Customs and
             was met by the Political Agent, the Shaikh of Bahrain and
             members of the Ruling family. He was entertained to lunch
             by the Ruler of Bahrain.
                      (v) ' On the 2nd’of October, Shaikh Rashid bin Humaid,-
             Ruler of AJman, accompanied by his eldest son, Shaikh All,
             and two of his followers, arrived in Bahrain by sea. They
             stayed with the Ruler of Bahrain. He called on the Political
             Agent on the 4th,
                                                                l (vi) On
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