Page 656 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 656
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No. 5 v/ell was completely rigged up and preparations
for spudding were commenced shortly after.
Other well locations were chosen and preparatory work
was undertaken to ensure that as little time as possible was
spent in bringing the v/ell Into operation.
Geophysical Byoloratlon
(a) Seismic Survey
The Independent'Prospecting Company continued seismic
work until the end cf April and returned at the end of October.
Field work continued progressively towards the end of the year.
(t) J'?ppetoir.eter and Gravity I.eter Survey
The Robert K. Kay Company continued work in -Qatar
in April and remained till the end of the month of April
havlVig completed geophysical work on part of the structure.
The following gives a suu-mery of the personnel
employed by Petroleum Concessions Limited on the "atar
British 106 Jiusc at i 14
American 17 Omani 7
British Indian 161 'Iraqi 2
Portuguese S3 Lebanese 1
Swiss 1 Persian 1
;atzti 2,663 Bahraini SI
Saudi Arabian 2 Kuwaiti 1
Aden! 1
Cargo received curing the year represented
12,220 tons of which 5462 tons were received from the
United Kingdom and 1534 tons from the United States of America.
(i) The increase cf traffic experienced in 1246 was
maintained throughout the year as shown by the figures below.
The figures exclude traffic in transit for 'Iraq and Tran.
Figures for aeronautical traffic have been included and the
decline shown in the latter part of the year is due to part
of the traffic temporarily being diverted through the
International Aeradio Limited, IJuharraq. The Company have been
unable to provide full services because cf the inadequate
power supply efrom the State.
Total Messages
1945 1946 1947 •
Traffic Figures
Forwarded from Bahrain 31,272 36,535 48,336
Received from Bahrain 23,494 29,299 43,329
Transits to or from 51,555 55,416 74,652
Persian Gulf
1,06,321 1,21,250 1,66,318
Aeronautical traffic for 1947 = 33,469 messages.
(ii) Services.
The short wave marine service was extended from
£ two-half