Page 651 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 651
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measures and measures against intestinal diseases were
instituted by the Bahrain Government•
^here were no cases of major infectious
diseases in Bahrain during the year. Since 1941 Small-pox*
always endemic in Bahrain, has declined steadily from 119
cases in 194JL to 21 in 1946 and nil in 1947,
Sir Henry Holland, V.C.I.TJ., of the e C.I5.S.
Quetta visited Bahrain during the end of the year end performed
a few eye operations.
(ij) Victoria hemorlal V'osoltel
Captain IJ.L.A. Steele, r.^.E • j held charge
throughout the year.
Number of out patients treated 12,740
I! in-patients treated Nil
ti ii minor operations 467
The total number of patients treated was
2146 as compared with 2683 in 1946.
Venereal Disease 1$46 194f
Gonorrhea • • • 258 211
Soft chancre • • • 16 10
Syphilis • • • 119 146
(iii) American Fission Hospital'
Dr, P..7. I'arrison held charge during the year,
assisted by Dr. Storm curing the latter half of the year.
Two Indian Doctors also assisted him.
Out-patients treated 18,051
In-patients treated 1,353
major operations 433
liincr operations 2,2.64
(iv) State Kedical Hospital
Total No. of new out-patients '31,134
Total No. of daily attendances 77,839
These are subdivided as follows
’ Department New Patients Old Patients
Hospital 10,635 56,062
Police 1,458 3,652
lluharraq Dispensary 13,372 16,309
Hidd, Rifa'a & Sitra 1,194 1,816
Schools 4,476 —• •
Grand total al] attendances = 1,08,973.
Bahrain Government Hospital 1485
♦Isolation Hospital 318
European Nursing Home 110
♦For V.D • > Dysentery and T.B*
/ Operation^