Page 649 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 649
7 -
Rs. As. P.
Value of Money Orders 12,89,263 0 9
Defence Saving <?< National
Saving Certificates sold 20 0 0
Five year cash certificates cold 5,287 8 0
Post Office (IimARRAQ)
The following officials held charge as Sub-Post-
master in 1947:-
lir. Rajab All Fron 1.6.1946
To 31.10.1947
L'r. Zairudin 3.J;. Parkar From 1.11.1947
To 31.12.1947
Registered letters received 534
Registered letterd despatched 723
Registered Parcels received 54
Registered Parcels despatched 26
Rs. As. D#
Sale of Stamps 1,450 0 0
Value of Money Orders 1,13,735 12 0
Money Order commission 2,351 8 0
British Postal Orders sold 843 2 6
Indian Postal Orders sold 997 3 0
There v;?s an increase in postal work during the
year reflecting the increased commercial activity.
16. A\)VV:-i~.RAri'IO'' 07 JUSTICE
(i)Agency Courts. •
Civil and criminal suits entertained during the
year totalled 1,694 and 334 respectively, as compared, with 1,666
and 412 last year. A separate report has been sent to the Political
I (il)Local Courts.
There v/ere fewer criminal cases than last year.
A number of Arabs were tried and convicted of drunkenness and
of being in the possession of alcohol.
17. P0LIC5
Strength on 1.1.147 Strength on 31.12.47
British 6 3
Indians 4 4
Arabs and others 291 315
Followers 24 27
Clerks 9 9
334 358
State employed watchmen
Manama 39 52
Muharraq 41 54
Out posts 31 35
Naval Base 6 3
R;A.F, Posts 36 26
153 170
l The