Page 646 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 646
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Eedly needed work was begun to metal the main roads
in Manama. The Municipalities were able during the year to
acquire sere vehicles which helped considerably, Four Residential
houses were completed and let in the Municipal Garden, The
garden itself has been greatly improved.
The new customs sheds were completed, the buildings
being roofed with asbestos sheetings and having cement floors.
A new Passport Office and a shed for the inspection of passe-ngers'*
luggage were also built at the entrance to the pier. The ?.'»/.D.
Office, stores, sheds and Officer-in-Cherge, P../.D*s flat were
completed and work was begun on the nine shops in Barrett Road
on the site of what wss formerly the customs import shed. Material
for the new buildings took two years to arrive from the date of
Mr. Stanley Kills was appointed as Officer-in-Charge
the P.V/.D.
'work was started on the installation of the ".’ater
Supply in November 1947 and 20;* of the work had been completed
by the end of the year. Supply is expected to be in part
operation by July of this year, and if equipment is forthcoming
from England it should be complete by the end of October.
Operation however is dependent on the requisite supply of
Supply remained well in arrear of demand owing to
the breakdowns of cr.e generating set in the riddle of august,
this loss being partially remedied by assistance from the R.A.F.
Station; and made up in the winter months so far as actual
present consumers are concerned by the installation of a new set.
The gap between supply and demand still potentially persists
however, and is bound to be realised again next summer particularly
when it is remembered that many consumers will be without air-
conditioning and even sufficient electric lighting, and that
the automatic Telephone ana the Water Supply schemes may be
held up for lack of current. This is all the direct result of
the Bahrain Governments failure to take its own electrical
Engineers* advice given in 1944 to order then sufficient new
generators to meet the estimated (now well realised) demand.
During the year the Government Garage carried out
the major repair and servicing of all Government vehicles
totalling 62 in all. 6 Humber Station wagons were received from
the United Kingdom and 3 Dennis five tonners and 2 Austin
Tipping trucks were purchased locally during the year. Spare
parts for these vehicles were purchased upto the value of
Rs. 80,968/- from the United Kingdom.
The total number of subscribers at the end of the
year was 131 and many additional applications for telephones
were refused owing to the commencement of work on the new
Automatic system.
The pearl Industry suffered a severe set back owing
to the embargo imposed by the Government of India in July 1947.
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