Page 644 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 644

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                   Major H.D.H. Ranee.                         From 15.5.1947
                                                               To 15.6.1947
                   Kr. C.J. Pelly, O.B.iS.                     From 16.6.1947
                                                               To      S.7.1947

                   Mr. G.iJ. Jackson, M.3.E.                   From    9.7.1947
                                                               To     31.12.1947
               (f) Residency Agent. Shariah
                   Mr. Jassim tin Fohamraed                    From    1.1.1947
                                                               To     31.12.1947

            2. BAKRAIK GOV          OFFICIALS
               (a) Adviser to the Government
                   I,!r. C.D. Belgrave, C.B.3.                 From. 1.1.1947
                                                               To     12.6.1947
                  Hr. G.J. R. Smith, M.E.B.                    From   20.6.B47
                    (during Mr. Belgrsve's absence             to      5.10.1247
                      on leave)
                  I.-r. C.D. Belgrave, C.3.I-.                 From    6.10.1247
                                                               To.    21.12.1247
              (b) Director of Customs 5 Port Officer

                  T*r. G.7.R. Smith, :  Z.Z                    From    1.1.1247
                                                               To     51.12.1247
              (c) Stete Zr.?ineer
                  Group Captain '-’.P.9. Leigh.                From    1.1.1247
                                                               To    21.12.1947
              (d) Officer-in-Charge ?..».P. &
                  assistant State Engineer
                  Hr. R.C. Tunnicliffe.                        From    1.1.1247
                    (designed on medical grounds)              To      7.5.1947

                  Hr. S*. Hills                                From   25.11.1247
                                                               To      31.12.1247
              (e) Bahrain Government Oil Inspector
                  Hr. G.3. Thompson.                           From    1.1.1947
                                                               To    31.12.1247
              (f) State 1'edlcal Officer
                  Dr. R.H.B. Snow.                             From    1.1.1947
                                                               To    18.5.1947

                  Dr. K.L.A. Steele, I.M.D., M.B.E   •»        From  19.5.1947
                   (during- absence of Dr. Snow)               To    20.10.1947
                  Dr. R.H.B. Snow.                             From  31.10.1947
                                                               Tp    31.12.1947
           (g) LADY Medical Officer

                                              / Dr. I.M.A. Doeg
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